麦积山塑像有数千身,这里只能指出几件较有代表性的杰作,起“窥一斑而知全豹”的作用。东崖造像,最壮丽的是4号窟上七佛阁。7间佛龛里有42尊菩萨塑像,神态庄严可亲,华美而不俗,充满着人间善良、慈祥和世俗的感情。各龛间都装饰着天龙八部的浮塑,面容狞怪而不丑恶,表现了男性的健美、威严、正直、勇猛、坚毅的性格。与上七佛阁紧接的5号窟,名曰“牛儿堂”。中间龛门前有一摩醯首罗天,站在一只卧着的犊牛身上。这个牛儿,塑造得相当动人:圆圆的眼,顽皮地注视前言,脚虽蟠曲着,却似乎要跃起的样子,松弛的颈上垂着的皮,也象在动着。不仅身形姿态具备了牛的特征,最出色的是把一只犊牛所具有的稚气和活泼表现出来了,当地农人非常喜爱,称为“金蹄银角的牛娃”。在牛儿堂西端有一可容一人通过,长约10米的隧道,门顶刻有:“小有洞天”四个字。相传在明朝古历四月初八的一天,秦州有个州官,游麦积山庙会,一时兴起,想从七佛阁的摆渡铁链上,用鹞子翻身的纵跃姿势,游荡到牛儿堂去,居然成功了。可是当他站稳在牛儿堂,定睛向下观看,只见悬崖陡立,山谷人群如同蚂蚁,顿时头晕目眩,腿软抖战,再也不敢迈步了。众衙役只得火速请 来一群石匠凿开了一个小洞,州官才从洞里爬了过来,至今当地还有“鹞子翻身,牛儿堂”的说法。
一、 宗教
二、 艺术
麦积山石窟群中最宏伟,最壮丽的一座建筑是第四窟上七佛龛,又称“散花楼”,位于东崖大佛上方,距地面经约八十米,为七间八柱庑殿式结构,高约九米,面阔三十米,进深八米,分前廊后室两部分。立柱为八棱大柱,覆莲瓣形柱础,建筑构件无不精雕细琢,体现了北周时期建筑技术的日臻成熟。后室由并列七个四角攒尖式帐形龛组成,帐幔层层重叠,龛内柱、梁等建筑构件均以浮雕表现。因而,麦积山第四窟的建筑是全国各石窟中最大的一座摹仿中国传统建筑形式的洞窟,是研究北朝木构建筑的重要资料,真正如实地表现了南北朝后期已经中国化了的佛殿的外部和内部面貌,在石窟发展史上具有重要的意义。 121窟:
覆斗藻井平面方形窟。窟内正、左、右壁开尖拱深龛;窟高2.55米,宽2.36米,深2.15 米。
篇二:麦积山石窟英语导游词Maiji Caves
Maiji Caves
Located 45 kilometers (about 28 miles) southeast of Tianshui City in Gansu Province, Maiji Mountain rises up abruptly 142 meters (about 155 yards) from the landscape. The people named the mountain 'Maiji' because it resembles a stack of wheat straw (mai meaning wheat, and ji meaning stack). On the sheer cliff that marks the southwest side of Maiji Mountain, people have labored for centuries carving niches and caves, giving rise to what is known today as the Maiji Caves. Inside the caves are clay statues, whose heights vary from 20 centimeters (about 8 inches) to 15 meters (over 49 feet). Besides 194 Buddhist caves and niches, containing more than 7, 200 clay statues, there are also murals of over 1, 300 square meters (about 1, 555 square yards) in the Maiji Caves as well. These statues are works of art that reflect ancient craftsmanship and dedication to the Buddhist ideal. Rarely can one find caves and statues carved over sheer cliffs in China, and this is one of the most distinguishing features of Maiji Caves. Being carved on the cliff, these caves are connected by plank roads that hang precariously along the face of the cliff. Visitors can only reach each cave by using these plank roads, which offers a breathtaking experience.
Work on the Maiji caves began in the late Qin Dynasty (221 BC - 206 BC), progressing through to the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911). The Northern Wei
(386 - 534) period was also a time of its great prosperity, and Buddhism began to prevail as a cultural force. Subsequent dynasties added to and sometimes rebuilt the caves according to the styles of the era. Interestingly, although the statues were built at the same location, none of them maintained a similar style with those preceding it. Statues from each dynasty clearly developed distinct elements.
Another curious feature of the statues is their trend toward secularization, that is, a move toward depicting the icons as man rather than god. Except for statues built in the early period, almost all Buddhist statues look affable and accessible. They were no longer gods standing high in the heaven, but rather became more like common people.
Because of its exquisite clay statues and superb sculptural skills, Maiji Caves acquired special recognition. They have been classified as an 'Oriental Statues Exhibition Hall'. Maiji Caves are one of the four most important caves in China. The other threes are Mogao Caves in Dunhuang, Gansu Province, Yungang Caves in Datong, Shanxi Province, and Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang, Henan Province. Their emphasis is on exquisite statues and beautiful natural scenes, while the others' are on florid murals or magnificent stonecutting.
There are other places of interest near Maiji Mountain as well, Xianren Cliff,
Shimen Mountain, Quxi and Maiji Arboretum, all offer fine panoramic views of mountains, rivers and plants in Northwest China.
Maiji Mountain Grottoes
Dear my friends:
Welcome to Tianshui!
The climate of Tianshui is suitable for the survival of mankind. That makes it become a cradle of the Chinese nation. As we know, Fuxi and Nuwa who are the Chinese ancestors lived here. They created the early period of Chinese culture. For the suitable climate, there are many wonderful attractions. This time we will go to Maiji Mountain, and visit Maiji Mountain Grottoes.
Maiji Mountain is located 50 km far from Tianshui just to the south of Maiji Village. It is only 142 meters above the ground, but the altitude of about 2,000 meters above the sea level. It is a single and distinct peak of the xiaolong Mountain of Western Qinling Range. Since it looks like a huge wheat straw pile from afar, it is called Maiji Mountain (the Wheat Straw Pile Mountain). The flouring various plants with clouds wrapping them in a blanket of mist create one of nature’s most majestic sights. In the late of the Western Hang Dynasty, it became the palace of Kui Xiao (隗嚣) who is a famous general of Tianshui. The Maiji Mountain Scenic Area was listed as a famous resort under the state protection by the State Council in 1982. And Maiji Mountain Grottoes are the most important area of it, which rank the second in the four well-known grottoes in Gansu Province. (The four well-known grottoes are Mogao Grottoes, Maiji Mountain Grottoes, Bingling Temple Grottoes and Mati Temple Grottoes.)
The grottoes of Maiji Mountain are caved in the cliffs, which are in rows 20 to 30 meters or 70 to 80 meters above the foot of mountain. That makes them look like a huge honeycomb in the distance. The wide of those grottoes which are linked by some dangerous ways is from 3 meters to about 1 meter.
Maiji Mountain Grottoes were first dug in the Qin Dynasty of the Sixteen States Period (about 384 to 417 AD). And the grottoes were cut and repaired in the successive dynasties of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. An earthquake which occurred in Tianshui during the Tang Dynasty (734 AD) resulted in collapse of the cliff, and the grottoes were subsequently divided into tow sections: the Eastern and the Western with 54 and 140 grottoes respectively, which were called the Eastern Pavilion and the Western Pavilion during the Five Dynasties.
In the Eastern, there is the Thousands of Buddhism Corridor, the Throwing Flowers Building, the Upper Seven-Buddhism Pavilion, and the Middle Seven-Buddhism Pavilion, and so on. In the Western, there are 3 grottoes which are the most famous. In them, the biggest is the Thousands of Buddhism Pavilion, the second is the Heavenly Cave, and the smallest is the Cave NO.127, which were all cut in 6 AD.
There is a legend associated with the Throwing Flowers Building. It is said that Sakyamuni appeared here to preach. During the first time, there were tens of thousands of disciples in the valley which was under the
Throwing Flowers Building. In order to know whether all of them understand the Buddhist thoughts and tenets, the 28 flying aspara threw different kinds of petals to them. If the disciples understood, the petals would not fall, but fall; if not, the petals would fall. It was surprised that all of the petals rose. Now you can throw some pieces of paper, you will find the pieces rise. Do you know why? Because there is an air current which can make some light things rise.
Though Maiji Mountain Grottoes are suffered many earthquakes and fires, now there are 194 grottoes, more than 7,200 statues and over 1,300 square meters murals. As the stone of Maiji Mountain is unfit for caving, most statues are clay sculptures, but they are quite exquisite. The sculptures are mainly images of Buddha and his disciples, Bodhisattvas, the Heavenly Kings and Vajras. It is surprised that the sculptures have been preserved well, even though the climate is wet in Maiji Mountain.
Like the earliest sculpture of Mogao Grottoes, the grottoes of Maiji Mountain were obviously influenced by the Indian style in 30 caves during the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty. By the time of the Song Dynasty, the style was changed greatly due to mixing the Indian culture and the Central Chinese culture. The sculptures wear diverse countenance looking vivid. And the dress of them is soft and natural. In the late period, the style was continuously improved on the basis of the Chinese current culture. So the sculptures are more vivid than before and full of the interest of worldly life. However, since the Northern Wei Dynasty, almost the sculptures bowed their heads, as if they were looking this world. They are the gods, but they look like the human beings.
The grottoes of Maiji Mountain are of high values for the study on politic, economy and culture in ancient China, even though they are the Buddhist arts. The grottoes embody the Chinese national tradition and consciousness, and also have the characteristic of making the form show the spirit. Especially the sculptures of the Sui and Tang Dynasty are full and rounded, and in the Song Dynasty, they are thin, delicate and pretty. Maiji Mountain Grottoes reflect the evolution of the clay sculptures art in China. They are referred to as “the treasure houses of oriental sculptures”.
Maiji Mountain Grottoes
Dear my friends:
Welcome to Tianshui!
The climate of Tianshui is suitable for the survival of mankind. That makes it become a cradle of the Chinese nation. As we know, Fuxi and Nuwa who are the Chinese ancestors lived here. They created the early period of Chinese culture. For the suitable climate, there are many wonderful attractions. This time we will go to Maiji Mountain, and visit Maiji Mountain Grottoes.
Maiji Mountain is located 50 km far from Tianshui just to the south of Maiji Village. It is only 142 meters above the ground, but the altitude of about 2,000 meters above the sea level. It is a single and distinct peak of the xiaolong Mountain of Western Qinling Range. Since it looks like a huge wheat straw pile from afar, it is called Maiji Mountain (the Wheat Straw Pile Mountain). The flouring various plants with clouds wrapping them in a blanket of mist create one of nature’s most majestic sights. In the late of the Western Hang Dynasty, it became the palace of Kui Xiao (隗嚣) who is a famous general of Tianshui. The Maiji Mountain Scenic Area was listed as a famous resort under the state protection by the State Council in 1982. And Maiji Mountain Grottoes are the most important area of it, which rank the second in the four well-known grottoes in Gansu Province. (The four well-known grottoes are Mogao Grottoes, Maiji Mountain Grottoes, Bingling Temple Grottoes and Mati Temple Grottoes.)
The grottoes of Maiji Mountain are caved in the cliffs, which are in rows 20 to 30 meters or 70 to 80 meters above the foot of mountain. That makes them look like a huge honeycomb in the distance. The wide of those grottoes which are linked by some dangerous ways is from 3 meters to about 1 meter.
Maiji Mountain Grottoes were first dug in the Qin Dynasty of the Sixteen States Period (about 384 to 417 AD). And the grottoes were cut and repaired in the successive dynasties of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty, the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Song Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. An earthquake which occurred in Tianshui during the Tang Dynasty (734 AD) resulted in collapse of the cliff, and the grottoes were subsequently divided into tow sections: the Eastern and the Western with 54 and 140 grottoes respectively, which were called the Eastern Pavilion and the Western Pavilion during the Five Dynasties.
In the Eastern, there is the Thousands of Buddhism Corridor, the Throwing Flowers Building, the Upper Seven-Buddhism Pavilion, and the Middle Seven-Buddhism Pavilion, and so on. In the Western, there are 3 grottoes which are the most famous. In them, the biggest is the Thousands of Buddhism Pavilion, the second is the Heavenly Cave, and the smallest is the Cave NO.127, which were all cut in 6 AD.
There is a legend associated with the Throwing Flowers Building. It is said that Sakyamuni appeared here to preach. During the first time, there were tens of thousands of disciples in the valley which was under the
Throwing Flowers Building. In order to know whether all of them understand the Buddhist thoughts and tenets, the 28 flying aspara threw different kinds of petals to them. If the disciples understood, the petals would not fall, but fall; if not, the petals would fall. It was surprised that all of the petals rose. Now you can throw some pieces of paper, you will find the pieces rise. Do you know why? Because there is an air current which can make some light things rise.
Though Maiji Mountain Grottoes are suffered many earthquakes and fires, now there are 194 grottoes, more than 7,200 statues and over 1,300 square meters murals. As the stone of Maiji Mountain is unfit for caving, most statues are clay sculptures, but they are quite exquisite. The sculptures are mainly images of Buddha and his disciples, Bodhisattvas, the Heavenly Kings and Vajras. It is surprised that the sculptures have been preserved well, even though the climate is wet in Maiji Mountain.
Like the earliest sculpture of Mogao Grottoes, the grottoes of Maiji Mountain were obviously influenced by the Indian style in 30 caves during the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Western Wei Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty. By the time of the Song Dynasty, the style was changed greatly due to mixing the Indian culture and the Central Chinese culture. The sculptures wear diverse countenance looking vivid. And the dress of them is soft and natural. In the late period, the style was continuously improved on the basis of the Chinese current culture. So the sculptures are more vivid than before and full of the interest of worldly life. However, since the Northern Wei Dynasty, almost the sculptures bowed their heads, as if they were looking this world. They are the gods, but they look like the human beings.
The grottoes of Maiji Mountain are of high values for the study on politic, economy and culture in ancient China, even though they are the Buddhist arts. The grottoes embody the Chinese national tradition and consciousness, and also have the characteristic of making the form show the spirit. Especially the sculptures of the Sui and Tang Dynasty are full and rounded, and in the Song Dynasty, they are thin, delicate and pretty. Maiji Mountain Grottoes reflect the evolution of the clay sculptures art in China. They are referred to as “the treasure houses of oriental sculptures”.
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