2.于是全国未婚女青年纷纷揭竿而起。这里译者译成了“it was met with an avalanche of responses from virtually all unmarried women in the nation. ” 分析:avalanche: a large mass of snow, ice, and rocks and falls down the side of mountains. an avalanche of: a very large number of things such as letters, messages that arrive suddenly at the same time. 我觉得这种选词可以体现出原文中“揭竿而起”的气势,而且基本用英语解释了“揭竿而起”,达到了通顺易懂是我效果。
3.我细细量过九十九次自己标高,实属“终生残废”系列。这里译者译成了“after making perennial efforts to measure my exact height, i reached the conclusion that i was permanently handicapped.” 这里 i reached the conclusion属于增添的部分,而且将两个对等的主句分别处理为状语成分和主句。“perennial”means something concerned with all the time. 所以这里“九十九次”用了替换或者概述性的'翻译。
4. 将太太置回家中后我才意识到我的悲哀。这句译者翻译为“not only after the girl was enticed into matrimony did i begin to feel my self-inflicted anguish”。 matrimony means the state of being married. entice means to persuade someone to do something by offering them something if they will do.我觉得这两个词的选用非常妙,可以表达出那种诙谐幽默的感觉。
5. such an astonishing tour de force thus achiieved greatly bolstered the morale and esteem of those of us who were “handicapped”这句是怎么翻译的看不懂。
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