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更新时间:2023-08-16 05:57:37 来源:高考在线


  tractable: 易驾驭的; easily led, trained, or controlled; easily handled; malleable

  1) easily controlled or guided

  2) easily managed

  3) easily managed

  Syn: docile, submissive, yielding; malleable

  tractable difficult to control, incorrigible, obdurate, headstrong, obstinate, balky, willfull, pertinacious, intransigent

  complaisance : intractable

  tractable : lead

  tractable : controlled

  tame : tractable

  tractable : control

  He has a tractable dog that learns tricks easily.

  The boat was so lightweight it was tractable by one person.

  Having a tractable staff made her job a lot easier.


  tractable insubordinate=intransigent=recalcitrant

  complaisance : intractable = adeptness : maladroit 柔顺不是倔强的=老练不是笨拙的