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loose什么意思中文 loose中文意思介绍

更新时间:2023-08-11 17:40:25 来源:高考在线

1、 loose中文意思是:





(1)Check that the plug has not come loose .检查一下别让插头松脱了。

(2)The sheep had got out and were loose on the road.那些羊跑出来在路上自由自在地走动。

(3)If a tooth feels very loose, your dentist may recommend that its taken out...如果有一颗牙齿很松,牙医可能会建议你把它拔掉。

(4)She broke loose from his embrace and crossed to the window...她从他怀抱里挣脱出来,走到窗前。