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表原因的高级表达英语 表原因的高级表达英语句型

更新时间:2023-08-02 00:27:51 来源:高考在线

1、That is why… 那就是为什么……。

(1)Sports keep him healthy. That is why he loves sports.


等于He loves sports because sports keep him healthy.


(2)He works hard every day. That is why he succeeds.


2、A make B possible. A 使得B成为可能。(因为A,B才得以实现)

(1)In the late 14th century, fast and sturdy ships made long-distance voyages possible.在14世纪后期,又快又结实的轮船使得长途海上旅行成为可能。(意思是因为有了又快又结实的轮船,所以可以进行长途海上旅行。)

(2)His inventions made progress of technology possible.他的发明使得科技的进步得以实现。