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尝起来好吃用英语怎么说 尝起来好吃用英语如何说

更新时间:2023-08-17 23:44:51 来源:高考在线

1、尝起来好吃用英语说 :It tastes delicious。

2、百吉饼加上奶酪和西红柿尝起来好吃极了。Cream cheese and tomatoes taste great on a bagel.

3、苹果很小但尝起来好吃。The apple is small but tastes good.

4、橘子尝起来好吃。The oranges taste good.

5、妈妈烧的饭尝起来很好吃。The food my mother cooked tasted delicious.

6、我想这鱼一定尝起来很好吃。I think the fish must taste good.