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鼻子怎么读英语 鼻子的英语是什么

更新时间:2023-08-04 04:16:50 来源:高考在线

1、鼻子的英文:nose。英 [n??z] 美 [no?z]。

2、抹点乳霜,以免你的鼻子再脱皮。Put on some cream to stop your nose from peeling。

3、她把鼻子紧贴着窗户朝里瞧。She flattened her nose against the window and looked in。

4、她闻到那气味,恶心地皱起了鼻子。She wrinkled her nose in disgust at the smell。

5、我能听见这姑娘睡着了还在抽鼻子。I could hear the child snuffling in her sleep。