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霸气的英文 霸气的英文怎样读

更新时间:2023-08-11 22:24:00 来源:高考在线

1、霸气的英文:Domineering,英 [?d?m??n??r??] 美 [?dɑ?m??n?r??]。

2、我特别钟爱以虎为首的猫科动物,他们的幽秘气质和霸气是让人神往的。I especially love the tiger cats, led, and their temperament and domineering You Mi is the fascination.

3、由此,路易十三既有细腻优雅的表现,更有充满霸气的王者般的吸引力。As a result, Louis XIII of the performance of both the elegant and delicate, more full of domineering of the regal appeal.