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西兰花的英语怎么读 西兰花的英语是什么

更新时间:2023-08-03 22:14:31 来源:高考在线

1、西兰花的英语:Broccoli,英 [?br?k?li] 美 [?brɑ?k?li]。

2、一株中等大小的西兰花含有的维他命C超过一个柚子和一个橙子的总和。One medium stalk of raw broccoli contains more Vitamin C than a grapefruit and an orange combined.

3、一份西兰花维他命C的含量理论上足以维持你一天的需求。and its also a good source of calcium.One serving of broccoli contains a lot of vitamin C-literally all you will need for the day!