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更新时间:2023-08-16 22:14:08 来源:高考在线


  Herald Journal


  v. 预示,预告;传达,通报

  n. 传令官,通报者;使者,先驱

  The song of birds heralds spring.

  鸟鸣报春到。Dawn is the herald of day.

  曙光是白昼的.先驱。The crocus is a herald of spring.

  报春花是春天的预兆。In England, the cuckoo is a herald of spring.

  在英格兰,布谷鸟是春天的信使。The fall of a leaf heralds the advent of autumn


  n. 日报,杂志;日记;日志

  The special journals include cash receipts journal, cash payments journal, sales journal, and purchase journal.

  特种日记账主要包括现金收入日记账、现金支出日记账、销货日记账和购货日记账。The simplest type of journal is called a general journal.

  最简单的日记账为普通日记账。You can subdivide the journal into a number of special journals.

  你可以将日记账再分成特种日记账。The journal is a best present for him.

  这本日记对他来说是最好的礼物。The study is in the Lancet Medical Journal.
