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更新时间:2023-08-08 03:43:56 来源:高考在线


  to extract; to press for juice or oil; to squeeze from (or out of)


  n. 提取物,精华;汁;摘录,选段;选曲

  v. 摘录,节选;获取;设法得到;提取;取出;拔(牙)

  extraction feed

  萃出原料|抽出原料 extraction of groundwater

  地下水的抽出 bond extracting punch

  导接线撤出冲头 press是什么意思:

  n. 报刊;新闻报道;新闻记者;新闻业;印刷机;出版社;压,按;压力;急迫

  v. 熨平;紧贴,紧握;催促,竭力劝说;逼迫;压,按;榨取;极力要求;困扰

  The press was flattering.

  新闻界正在大肆吹捧。press for; urge for

  催逼 the fraternity of the press

  出版界同人;报界同人 juice是什么意思:

  n. 果汁,菜汁;肉汁

  vodka and orange juice.

  伏加特酒和橘子汁混合成的'酒。 Is there arsenic in apple juice?

  苹果汁中含有砷吗?determination of juice content in orange, mandarine, tangerine juice and their drinks
