elegiac couplet
n. 哀歌,挽歌
a. 哀歌体的,挽歌的
Ovid and Horace challenge comparison with the best elegiac and lyric poets of Greece
奥维德和贺雷西要同希腊最好的.挽歌和抒情诗人争一日之长。elegiac meter)and in music to the combining of rhythmic pulses into measures of equal time value
n. 对联;对句
It seems that this couplet doesn't count as special.
这副对联好像算不上特别。Look at the antithetical couplet on both sides of the doorway.
你看这殿门口的对联。Ending in a syntactic and rhythmic pause.Used of a line of verse or a couplet.
行尾有停顿的以句法规则和格律上的停顿而结尾的。用于一句诗行或两行诗They are already putting out the new year's gatepost couplet?Is not it too early?
他们已经贴出新年门联了,不是太早了一点吗?The couplet has captured in a few vivid words all the grandeur of the surrounding scenery
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