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更新时间:2023-08-09 03:46:35 来源:高考在线



  1.1 大量的中国人不断移民海外这件事在今天非常普遍。

  It is quite common these days that a large group of Chinese people are constantly emigrating.

  1.2 当在陌生的地方安顿好后,他们很自然地要选择适合的生活方式。包括:设法融入当地社会或者组成自己的圈子。

  When setting down, they have got to make a choice of new lifestyles including getting into local community or making a group of the people with a cultural context.


  Those who prefer the former believe that making local friends and living like natives are very helpful in adapting to a new condition.

  2.2 众所周知,当地人了解很多事情,比如:如何成功地找到工作,如何更经济的生活等等。这些正是新移民所需要的。

  It is broadly acknowledged that the local understand many things including how to find a good job successfully, live at a low cost and so forth, which are the real needs of new immigrants.