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更新时间:2023-08-16 08:36:27 来源:高考在线

  have plenty of sense富有见识;moral sense道德观,等等。We are under an obligation to help the old.

  I had a running runny nose, eachase itchy eyes, a thore sore throat and a cough.

  我越来越担心(grew concerned)我可能情况转坏(take a turn for the worse)。我不想病情加重,因为那样我肯定会濒临死亡(at deaths door)。

  I grew concerned that I might take a turn for the worse. I did not want to become sicker because then surely I would be at deaths door.

  如果一个人精力充沛,你可以说她“full of beans(精力旺盛)”。如果你说某样东西“dose not amount to a hill of beans(一文不值)”,你的意思是说它并不重要。如果你对某件事情一无所知,我可能会说你“don’t know beans about a subject(一窍不通)”。但如果你“spill the beans(泄密)”,那你说了某些本该是秘密的事情。separating the wheat from the chaff means keeping what is valuable and rejecting what is worthless.

  if you go bananas, you are wild with excitement or worry.