a day s wait课文翻译
The small boy's illness seemed not serious. Yet hewas clearly very worried about something. Whateverwas it?
A Day's Wait
by Ernest Hemingway
He came into the room to shut the windows while wewere still in bed and I saw he looked ill. He wasshivering, his face was white, and he walked slowly as though it ached to move.
“What's the matter, Schatz?”
“I've got a headache.”
“You better go back to bed.”
“No. I'm all right.”
“You go to bed. I'll see you when I'm dressed.”
But when I came downstairs he was dressed, sitting by the fire, looking a very sick andmiserable boy of nine years. When I put my hand on his forehead I knew he had a fever.
“You go up to bed,” I said, “You're sick.”
“I'm all right,” he said.
When the doctor came he took the boy's temperature.
“What's it?” I asked him.
“One hundred and two.”
Downstairs, the doctor left three different medicines in different colored capsules withinstructions for giving them. One was to bring down the fever, another a purgative, the third toovercome an acid condition. The germs of influenza can only exist in an acid condition, heexplained. He seemed to know all about influenza and said there was nothing to worry about ifthe fever did not go above one hundred and four degrees. This was a light epidemic of flu andthere was no danger if you avoided pneumonia.
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