Slogans for Dormitory Culture
1 文明和睦卫生,创立美妙宿舍。
To be civilized, harmonious and sanitary, and to build a sweet dorm.
2 宿舍如我家,清洁整洁靠大家。
Dormitory is home and we should keep it tidy.
3 搭建心灵家园,共创和谐宿舍。
To create a spiritual home and to build a harmonious dorm together.
4 擦去的是一块污渍污染的'是本人的灵魂。
To wipe away a spot cleans one’s soul on the side.
5 晶莹清雅之居,同心同德之果。
A distinct and elegant dorm requires efforts from us all.
6 公共宿舍勿喧闹,爱惜公物惜资源。
Please be quiet in the dorm and treasure the public property and resources
7 高空阳台门窗,避免坠物伤人。
Take care of things on the high balconies and windows and free them from falling off. 8 以厂为家树美德,群策群力翻新风。
To regard the factory as home and to endeavor for its development.
9 爱护共事相处情,倾献关爱互辅助
Be harmonious with colleagues and to care for each other.
10 一屋不扫,何以扫天下。
Keep your room in order before you can master the world
11 爱护公物,人人有责。
It’s our moral obligation to treasure public property.
12 宿舍之文源于友好,宿舍之明源于干净。
Civilization of the dorm requires harmony and tidiness.
13 同居一室是缘份,用爱润泽是天职。
To be in the same room is serendipitous, therefore, love your roommates.
14 礼貌是文明共处的金钥匙。
Manners are key to civilized cohabitation.
15 无人房间灯不亮,人走灯灭成习惯。
Turn off the lights when no one is in. It’s a good habit to extinguish the lights before leaving a room.
16 为了咱们大家的生存,请勤俭用水。
Please save water because it’s for everyone’s sake.
17 恶语不出口,苟言不留耳。
Do not badmouth or remember ill words of others.
18 宿舍是我家,和气相处你我他。
Dormitory is our home; be harmonious with each other.
A harmonious dorm calls for hearty conversations and manners.
20 一分义务 一份播种 一次善举 一份温馨。
An obligation requires an effort; and an almsdeed brings harmony.
21 用眼睛发明家的漂亮,用双手保持家的整齐。
To look for beauties at home with our eyes and to keep it tidy with our hands. 22 用爱心庇护家的暖和,用真挚营造家的温馨。
To build and to guard our harmonious home with affection.
23 明之尚美,馨德亦缘。
It’s our wish to be civilized and to practice morality
24 整齐并非必定,保护依附自发。
Tidiness asks for efforts, and maintenance calls for spontaneity. 25 温馨小屋我的家,人人都爱它。
This sweet house is my home and we love it.
26 文明促协调提高,骄奢败道德新风。
Civilization upgrades the harmony while extravagance degrades morality. 27精美环境你我创,温馨宿舍齐共享。
An elegant environment calls for efforts, and a tidy dormitory soothes all. 28 保持环境干净,做位可爱的人。
Keep the lovely environment tidy and be a lovely person yourself. 29 搭建心灵家园,共创和谐宿舍。
To create a spiritual home and to build a harmonious dorm together. 30 与陋习离别,与文明握手。
Get rid of bad habits and be civilized.
Slogans for staff dining-hall
To ponder thoroughly and to act promptly.
Food comes from hard work.
It’s better to nourish your body with food than medicine.
Be polite and line up please
To dine with manners and to keep in good mood.
Please clean up remains after meal.
To be happy every day and to enjoy every meal.
Please follow regulations of the dining hall and build good sanitary habit.
Keep the tables clean to build a tidy environment together.
It’s our obligation to treasure public property.
Be polite when dining.
Please do not jump the queue.
Be civilized even when you are hungry
Be polite with each other like we were brothers and sisters.
Please save every drop of water and every piece of rice.
Slogans for the environment
Please do not litter and be civilized.
Care for the environment and love the nature.
Please leave nothing but your footprints and laughters.
Put away your trash and leave me your excellence.
Beauty is blooming, please do not disturb.
Keep the road clean; it will give you pleasure in return.
Mind your steps and save the green, please.
Flower and grass breathe, and they need love too.
We know flowers wither in time but defloration is forbidden.
To protect the virescence and to care for the future.
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