dear loan section head: i’m writing this letter in applying a two-year loan of cny 150,000 from your bank for opening a western cuisine restaurant. i’ve carried out a survey in the vicinity of our university and found that there is only one small café selling western-style foods within 4 square kilometers around here. the potential western food market is large as there are quite many westerners in our district and they have been calling for the setup of a western cuisine restaurant----- even the foreign professors and students have shown their eagerness for it. in addition, more local people has great interest in beef steak and pizza, so we have sufficient customers. most important of all. we have employed excellent cooks that can ensure the quality of the meal we supply. the loan money will be used in the inner decoration, utensil purchases and staff training. the family of my partner, zhou jiang and i support our plan and provide real estate of our two families that worth cny 300,000 as guaranty. with such a bright prospective and strong supports, we have every reason to succeed in running the restaurant. lead us the loan will prove a wise choice. please consider our application seriously and we are looking forward to your response!
sincerely yours,
wang fan
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