Einstein's Brain
I heard that they've got Einstein's brain
just sitting in a jar.
I don't know where they keep it,
but I hope it isn't far.
I need to go and borrow it
to help me with this test.
I've answered twenty questions
but on every one I guessed.
If someone asks you where I've gone,
then kindly please explain
I'll be right back; I've just gone out
to look for Einstein's brain.
My Goldfish Took up Tennis
My goldfish took up tennis.
They installed a little net
at the bottom of their fishtank
for their first official set.
They got tennis balls and racquets.
They got tennis shoes and shorts,
for my fish are fond of tennis
more than any other sports.
It's a funny thing to watch them.
when they practice every day,
as the tennis balls they serve each other
always float away.
My Robot Does My Homework
My robot does my homework.
He helps me every night.
The trouble is he doesn't get
too many answers right.
He'd probably do better
at homework but, you see,
I built him, so he only knows
the things he learned from me.
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