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更新时间:2023-08-03 15:02:24 来源:高考在线

  Dear Prof,

  As an English teacher of No. 1 Middle School of Changsha, I am very glad to recommend Miss Minliang Luo for her application to undergraduate study in Politecnico di Terino. Miss luo is one of the most talented and outstanding student I’ve ever taught, I have no doubt she will be able to prove herself in the coming study period.

  Miss Luo entered into No. 1 Middle School of Changsha, the best middle school in Hunan Province, in 2008. Since then, I’ve been her English teacher for three years. Miss Luo was a very diligent and active student in my class. She invested a lot of time in practicing her oral and writing English, and became outstanding among her classmates. She was very willing to answer every question in the class and even had some interesting discuss with me. It seemed to me that she was prepared from the first beginning to pursue an abroad education degree.

  According to my recalling, Miss Luo was also good at organization. There was always joy and laugh around her. She was able to make friends easily with her honesty and warm heart. As one of most popular students in the class, she had organized a lot of big activities. And I had a full ear of all kinds of good commends about those activities.

  I am glad to know from Miss Luo that she is going to apply for a major in architecture. This major has been her dream for a few years. In the past three years, she showed especial interest in that field. She was able to describe more details about all kind of building, and familiar with building history. I believe she will get even more interest once she get into this field. And her carefulness and creativity will give her huge support in the future career.

  With all my knowledge of Miss Luo, I have full confidence that she will have good performance in coming study and create her great career in the future. Any question may occur, please feel free to contact me with following email: Thanks a lot! Yours sincerely






  鉴于某某某的同学、我的同事以及我本人对某某某都有很高的评价,我真诚的向贵校推荐他,希望他能够入选贵校的学习项目。如果您对于某某某本人的情况以及这封推荐信有任何译文,欢迎您按照下方所提供的联系方式联系我。 谢谢!



  联络方式: TL: Memil:




  xxx曾在大四的时候来我公司报告实习。他利于闲暇时间大量阅读参考有关业务的书籍,虚心向其他员工请教。渐渐地,他开始精通各项业务,并取得一定成绩。对此他并没有满足更没有骄傲自大。相反,遇到难题,他仍然虚心与同事交流讨论直到找出解决方案为止。鉴于他在实习期的出色表现,我公司招收他为正式员工 (通常我公司不予考虑应届毕业生)。



