本人应XX同学请求,推荐该生参加贵校博士生入学考试。 该生为人诚恳,尊敬师长,团结同学,积极进取,有社会责任感,具有良好的思想道德素质。
在硕士期间,我该当其中国美学史研究、中西美学比较专题以及康德美学研究等课程导师,在日常的学习互动中,对该生印象深刻。该生积极学习学科相关知识,具备了美学学科较为完善的知识结构和理论水平,专业基础较为扎实。同时对学科知识点具有很强的理解能力与反思精神,具有良好的.探索精神。思维敏捷,个性坚韧,作风朴实。热爱美学专业,对科研工作有浓厚的兴趣。具有较好的英语实际运用能力,能够自如地阅读相关领域的英文文献。参加了部分科研项目的工作,具有独立分析问题和解决问题的能力,表现出较强的科研技能。 鉴于该同学具有较大的发展潜力和培养前途,且其本人有进一步深造的强烈要求,特推荐该生报考贵单位博士研究生。
Dear Sir/Madam:
In my capacity as the dean of the College, Im writing to you to recommend (学生姓名) to the postgraduate research course of urban planning in your university. I believe that her talent in urban planning and strong academic performance make her a excellent candidate for your program.
As one of her supervisors during her five year study in my college, I get to know her very well and I see a number of excellent qualities in her.
She is a very diligent student and quite loves her field of work. She has been, awarded scholarship every year and the honor of excellent students. Particularly, she graduated as an excellent student which was awarded by the Education Department of Hebei Province this year.
She is an inspired and passionate student with significant interest in research. She actively participated in the research projects which was funded by our college and the historical and cultural city of Handan City office, including “Handan City Compound Culture ” which has won The Second Prize of 11th Handan Social Sciences Achievement Award and First Prize of City Scientific Research in Hebei 2008~2009., and “Research on the Concept of Planning of Xingtai Ancient City” which has won First Prize of the second session of the Chinese Culture Innovation Award and was published on “The Famous City in China” journal.
She is also a good team leader and has demonstrated her leadership abilities in a number of positions which she held in the university. For example, as the vice-president of Student Union and class group secretary, she led the team to complete the survey, which held in our school Science and Cultural Arts Festival 2009 contest and won the first prize in science and technology.
Therefore, I recommend (学生姓名) to you with strong confidence. I hope that you will carefully consider her application and give her the opportunity to carry on futher studies at your university.
Thank you again for taking time to read her application and please do not hesitate to contact me should you need further information on (学生姓名)
Kind Regards
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