Dear Mrs. Corbin,
I was so sorry to learn of your illness. You must hurry and get well!Everybody in the neighborhood misses you, and we’re all hoping you’ll be back soon. Mr. Burke joins me in sending best wishes for your speed recovery.
Sincerely yours,
Mary Burke
Dear Mr. Gokhale,
I’m writing this letter to congratulate you on your new post in New Delhi. I am very delighted to hear of your promotion after three exciting and hardworking years in Taiwan. The diligence and enthusiasm contributed a great deal to the economic ties between India and Taiwan.
It has been a great pleasure and privilege for me to have had the opportunity of working closely with you over the past three years. You have been one of the most capable representatives in Taiwan. The cooperation and friendship that you so kindly extended to me has been most gratifying.
No doubt our paths will continue to cross from time to time, and I look forward to maintaining close contact with you in your new capacity. Likewise, please let me know if I can be of help in Taipei. At last, I would like, once again, to express my sincere gratitude for your efforts to improve India-Taiwan trade and investment exchange and cooperation, and I wish you a prosperous and successful future.
Sincerely yours,
Dear Sir,
The news of your accident just reached me this morning. I’m greatly shocked to learn that you were knocked down by a car yesterday. How are you feeling today
The only good thing about it is that your mother told me that you are progressing nicely, I hope that you are doing well after the operation, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about a week. I’m coming to see you on Sunday and trust that your condition will remarkably improve by then.
A little package from Rose and me will reach you a day or two. We hope the small thing will interest you.
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming
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