dear [susan]:
i know you are interested in [oil painting], so i’m sure you’ll be interested in [mr. and mrs. lin dun]! they are coming here to supper
[next sunday night, october the twelfth], and we’d like you and [walter] to come, too.
[mr. and mrs. lin dun] are that very charming couple we met in [london] last summer. they have a wonderful collection of [oil paintings of various stages]; and i understand that mr. lin dun is quite an authority on [oil painting]. i’m sure you and walter will thoroughly enjoy and evening in their company.
we’re planning supper at six; that will give us a nice long evening to talk. if i don’t hear from you before then, i’ll be expecting you on the [twelfth]!
affectionately yours,
li ming
dear [zhang ying]:
will you come to luncheon on [friday, may the fifth], at [twelve o’clock]?
my niece [mary] is visiting us and i think you will enjoy meeting her. she is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! [john and jane] will be here, and perhaps we can [give a dance] after luncheon. do say you’ll come!
affectionately yours,
li ming
dear [mr. harrison]:
our new factory will be commencing production on [april 10] and we should like to invite [you and your wife] to be present at a celebration to mark the occasion.
as you will appreciate this is an important milestone for this organization, and is the result of continued demand for our products, both at home and overseas. we are inviting all those individuals and trust that you will pay us the compliments of accepting.
please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of your time —— we can arrange for you to be met. all arrangements for your stay [overnight on april 10] will, of course, be made by us at our expense.
yours faithfully,
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