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《Fit for Life》

Fit for Life


historian n. 历史学家 recipe n. 处方;食谱,菜谱 physician n. 医生,内科医师

bark n. 树皮;(狗)叫,吠 vi. (狗)叫,吠 chemist n. 药剂师;化学家

trial n. 试用;试验;考验 tablet n. 药片;写字板,书写板

standardize vt. 使符合标准,使标准化 best-selling adj. 畅销的

painkiller n. 止痛药,镇痛剂 author n. 作者 heart attack 心脏病发作

thin vt. & vi. (使)变稀,(使)变薄,(使)变淡;(使)变细

block vt. 阻塞,阻挡;妨碍 length n. 长度 contemporary adj. 当代的;同时代的

Scottish adj. 苏格兰的 note vt. 发现,注意到;记录 transparent adj. 透明的

application n. 应用,运用;申请 name vt. 命名,给……取名

unable adj. 不能的,不会的 chemical adj. 化学的 purify vt. 使纯净,净化,提纯

quantity n. 量,数量 widespread adj. 普遍的,普及的,广泛的 lung n. 肺

mass adj. 批量的,大量的,大规模的;群众的,民众的

n. 团,块,堆;较大部分,主体部分;体积,大小,群众,人群

rapidly adv. 迅速地,快速地 powerful adj. 效力大的,强效的

wonder adj. 非凡的,奇妙的,奇特的,神奇的

n. 奇迹,神奇;奇观;惊奇,惊讶

millions of 数百万的,大量的 relief n. 减轻,缓解;轻松,宽慰;救济,救助

potential adj. 潜在的,可能的 enquiry n. 询问,咨询 ward n. 病房

fundamental adj. 基础的,根本的;重要的,至关重要的

handful n. 少数,少量;一把 annual adj. 每年的,一年一次的

arrangement n. 安排;排列 receptionist n. 接待员,招待员

pleasure n. 愉快,快乐;乐事 eyesight n. 视力 adjustable adj. 可调节的

magic adj. 有魔力的,不可思议的,魔术的 needle n. 针 art n. 技艺,技术

sharp-edged adj. 有锋利边缘的 swollen adj. 肿胀的 arrowhead n. 箭头;箭头状物

sharp adj. 锋利的锐利的;尖的;突然的,急转向的;尖刻的,辛辣的;灵敏的,敏锐的

fine adj. 细的,纤细的 point n. 点,位置;尖端;要点;分数

insert vt. 插入;嵌入 symptom n. 症状 function n. 功能,作用

heartbeat n. 心跳 addiction n. 上瘾,沉溺,入迷 overeating n. 过量饮食

relieve vt. 减轻(病痛、忧虑、负担等),缓解;救济,救助 unclear adj. 不清楚的


1. keep us healthy 2. open up 3. carry out 4. give up 5. come true 6. figure out

7. go wrong 8. put off 9. put up with 10. make out 11. call back 12. look out for

13. at certain points 14. find out 15. if so 16. recommend doing

17. in contemporary society 18. in large quantities 19. trun into

20. be fundamental to (doing) 21. a disease called malaria 22. look into

23. look down upon 24. put through 25. come up 26. remind sb to do

27. be based on 28. block from doing 29. focus on 30. reduce the risk of

31. try out 32. due to 33. in addition to 34. have an influence on

35. leave behind 36. ask for 37. set up 38. put off

39. take measures to do 40. let … out of 41. be connected with



1. A p____________ is a person who has general skills to treat physical problems.

2. Penicillin was d___________ in the mould that grew on a special transparent jelly.

3. He is the a__________ whose books are best-selling this year.

4. Stoke is a type of serious illness when blood vessels in the brain b_____ suddenly


《Sailing the oceans》

Listening and Speaking

Teaching Aims: 教学目的

1. Review the words and structures in the last period.

2. Finish the listening exercises in this part and improve the students’ listening ability.

3. Talk about sailing.

Teaching Important Points:教学难点

Finish the listening exercises.

Teaching Methods:教学方法

1. Talking method to improve the students’ speaking ability.

2. Listening method to train the students’ listening ability.

3. Pair wok to make every student take an active part in class.

Teaching Aids:教学工具

1. a computer; 2. courseware

Teaching procedures

Step1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step2 Revision

Check the homework exercises.

Step3 Listening

Listen to the tape and ask the students to finish exercise 1—3 on page 19.

Suggested answers:

Answer key for Exercise 1:

maps; stars; clouds; waves; currents; birds

Answer key for Exercise 2;

Sailors from

Sea or Ocean




Used the sky to find their way


《A Christmas Carol》

A Christmas Carol

I. Teaching aims:

1. Learn about Charles Dickens and his works.

2. Talk about social responsibilities.

3. Review the Adverbial.

4. Write a review of a play.

II. Teaching time:

1st Period Speaking

2nd Period Reading

3rd Period Language study

4th Period Extensive reading, Writing

The First Period Speaking

I. Teaching goals:

1. Enable the students to say something about Charles Dickens and his works.

2. Enable the students to learn how to discuss their social responsibilities.

3. Help the students learn to describe social responsibilities by using some key words and expressions.

II. Teaching important points

1. Describe Charles Dickens and his works.

2. Discuss the social responsibilities by using some key words and expressions.

III. Teaching methods

Cooperative learning.

IV. Teaching aids

1. A recorder; 2. A projector and some slides;

3. Multi-functional teaching equipment (CAI).

V. Teaching procedures && ways

Step I Lead In

First show the students a picture of Charles Dickens on the computer, then ask them some questions.

Step II Warming up

The Warming-up exercise makes the students know more about Charles Dickens and the novels that he wrote.

Step III Speaking

Task 1

Ask the students to finish the reading comprehension multiple choices.

Task 2

Discuss the responsibilities of business people towards both their employees and their customers .

Step IV Talking

Ask the students to discuss the two situations in groups of four.

Step V Homework

Ask the students to read the novel A Christmas Carol carefully. Then next class they will be checked.


Unit 1 Great scientists

Teaching aims

1. To help students learn to describe people

2. To help students learn to read a narration about John Snow

3. To help students better understand “Great scientists”

4. To help students learn to use some important words and expressions

5. To help students identify examples of “The Past Participle (1) as the Predicative & the attribute”

Period 1 Warming up and reading

Teaching Procedures

I. Warming up

Step I Lead in

Talk about scientist.

T: Hi, morning, class. Nice to see you on this special day, the day when you become a senior two grader. I am happy to be with you helping you with your English. Today we are to read about a certain scientist. But first let’s define the word “scientist”. What is a scientist?

A scientist is a person who works in science, trying to understand how the universe or other things work.

Scientists can work in different areas of science. Here are some examples: Those that study physics are physicists. Those that study chemistry are chemists. Those that study biology are biologists.

Step II

Ask the students to try the quiz and find out who knows the most.

T: There are some great scientific achievements that have changed the world. Can you name some of them? What kind of role do they play in the field of science? Do these achievements have anything in common? Match the inventions with their inventors below before you answer all these questions.

1. Archimedes, Ancient Greek (287-212 BC), a mathematician.

2. Charles Darwin, Britain (1808-1882). The name of the book is Origin of Species.

3. Thomas Newcomen, British (1663-1729), an inventor of steam engine.

4. Gregor Mendel, Czech, a botanist and geneticist.

5. Marie Curie, Polish and French, a chemist and physicist.

6. Thomas Edison, American, an inventor.

7. Leonardo da Vinci, Italian, an artist.

8. Sir Humphry Davy, British, an inventor and chemist.

9. Zhang Heng, ancient China, an inventor.

10. Stepper Hawking, British, a physicist.

II. Pre-reading

Step I

Get the students to discuss the questions on page 1 with their partners. Then ask the students to report their work. Encourage the students to express their different opinions.

1. What do you know about infectious diseases?

Infectious diseases can be spread to other people. They have an unknown cause and need public health care to solve them. People may be exposed to infectious disease, so may animals, such as bird flu,AIDS, SARS are infectious diseases. Infectious diseases are difficult to cure.

2. What do you know about cholera?

Cholera is the illness caused by a bacterium called Vibrio cholerae. It infects people’s intestines(肠), causing diarrhea and leg cramps (抽筋).The most common cause of cholera is by someone eating food or drinking water that has been contaminated(污染) with the bacteria. Cholera can be mild(不严重的) or even without immediate symptoms(症状), but a severe case can lead to death without immediately treatment.

3. Do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research?

Anybody might come out with a new idea. But how do we prove it in scientific research? There are seven stages in examining a new idea in scientific research. And they can be put in the following order. What order would you put the seven in? Just guess.

Find a problem→ Make up a question→ Think of a method→ Collect results→

Analyse the results→ Draw a conclusion→ Repeat if necessary

III. Reading

Step I Pre-reading

1. Do you know John Snow?

John Snow is a well-known doctor in the 19th century in London and he defeated “King Cholera”.

2. Do you know what kind of disease is cholera?

It is a kind of terrible disease caused by drinking dirty water and it caused a lot of deaths in the old times and it was very difficult to defeat.

Let’s get to know how Dr. John Snow defeated “King Cholera” in 1854 in London in this reading passage:

Step II Skimming

Read the passage and answer the questions.

1. Who defeats “King Cholera“? (John Snow)

2. What happened in 1854? (Cholera outbreak hit London.)

3. How many people died in 10 days? (500)

4. Why is there no death at No. 20 and 21 Broad Street as well as at No. 8 and 9 Cambridge Street?

(These families had not drunk the water from the Broad Street pump.)


Skim the passage and find the information to complete the form below.

Who When What How Result

John Snow 1854 helping ordinary people exposed to cholera Examining the source of all water supplies and finding new methods of dealing with polluted waster “King Cholera” defeated

Step III Scanning

Read the passage and number these events in the order that they happened.

2 John Snow began to test two theories.

1 An outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854.

4 John Snow marked the deaths on a map.

7 He announced that the water carried the disease.

3 John Snow investigated two streets where the outbreak was very severe.

8 King Cholera was defeated.

5 He found that most of the deaths were near a water pump.

6 He had the handle removed from the water pump.

Step IV Main idea and correct stage

Read the passage and put the correct stages into the reading about research into a disease.

John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”

Paragraph Stages General ideas

1 Find a problem:

What cause the cholera? The causes of cholera

2 Make up a question:

Which is right? The correct or possible theory

3 Think of a method:

Test two theory Collect data on where people were ill and died and where they got their water

4 Collect results:

Mark the death Plot information on a map to find out where people died or did not die

5 Analyze the results:

Find the resource of the water Look into the water to see if that is the cause of the illness

6 Find supporting evidence Find other evidences to confirm his conclusion

7 Draw a conclusion The polluted dirty source of drinking water was to blame for the cause of the London cholera

Step V Group discussion

Answer the questions (Finish exercise 2 on Page 3)

1. John Snow believed Idea 2 was right. How did he finally prove it?

(John Snow finally proved his idea because he found an outbreak that was clearly related to cholera, collected information and was able to tie cases outside the area to the polluted water.)

2. Do you think John Snow would have solved this problem without the map?

(No. The map helped John Snow organize his ideas. He was able to identify those households that had had many deaths and check their water-drinking habits. He identified those houses that had had no deaths and surveyed their drinking habits. The evidence clearly pointed to the polluted water being the cause.)

3. Cholera is a 19th century disease. What disease do you think is similar to cholera today?

(Two diseases, which are similar today, are SARS and AIDS because they are both serious, have an unknown cause and need public health care to solve them.)

Step VI Using the stages for scientific research and write a summary.

Period 2&3 Language focus

Step I Warming up

1. characteristic

① n. a quality or feature of sth. or someone that is typical of them and easy to recongnize.特征;特性

What characteristics distinguish the Americans from the Canadians.

② a. very typical of a particular thing or of someone’s characer 典型性的,

Such bluntness is characteristic of him.

Windy days are characteristic of March.




What you know about him isn’t his real character.

2. put forward: to state an idea or opinion, or to suggest a plan or person, for other people to


He put forward a new theory.

The foreigners have put forward a proposal for a joint venture.

An interesting suggestion for measuring the atmosphere around Mars has been put forward.

☆ put on穿上;戴上;增加 put out熄灭(灯);扑灭 (火) put up with…忍受 put down写下来;放下; put off 耽误; 延期 put up建立; 建造,

put up举起,搭建,粘贴

3. analyze: to examine or think about something carefully in order to understand it vt.分析结果、检讨、细察

A computer analyses the photographs sent by the satellite.

The earthquake expert tried to analyze the cause of the earthquake occurred on May 12,2008.

Let’s analyze the problem and see what went wrong.

He analyzed the food and found that it contained poison.

We must try to analyze the causes of the strike.

☆ analysis n.分析,解析,分解

4. conclude: decide that sth. is true after considering al the information you have 得出结论;推论出 to end sth. such as a meeting or speech by doing or saying one final thing vt. & vi结束,终止;

We concluded the meeting at 8 o’clock with a prayer.

From his appearance we may safely conclude that he is a heavy smoker.

What do you conclude from these facts?

We conclude to go out / that we would go out.

conclusion n.结论

arrive at a conclusion; come to a conclusion; draw a conclusion; reach a conclusion

What conclusion did you come to / reach / draw / arrive at?

From these facts we can draw some conclusions about how the pyramids were built.

Step 2 Reading

1. defeat

① vt. to win a victory over someone in a war, competition, game etc.打败,战胜,使受挫

I’ve tried to solve the problem, but it defeats me!

Our team defeated theirs in the game.

② n.失败,输 failure to win or succeed

This means admitting defeat.

They have got six victories and two defeats.

[辨析]win, beat与defeat

① win “赢得”赛事、战事、某物;后接人时,意为“争取赢得…的好感或支持;说服”

② beat “战胜”“击败”比赛中的对手,可与defeat互换

We beat / defeated their team by 10 scores.

They won the battle but lost many men.

The local ball team won the state championship by beating / defeating all the other teams.

I can easily beat /defeat him at golf.

He is training hard to win the race and realize his dream of becoming a champion at the 2008 Olympic Games.

2. expert

① n. someone who has a special skill or special knowledge of a subject专家,能手

an expert in psychology an agricultural expert

② a. having special skill or special knowledge of a subject熟练的,有专门技术的

an expert rider an expert job需专门知识的工作

He is expert in / at cooking.

3. attend vt. &vi 参加,注意,照料

① be present at参加attend a ceremony / lecture / a movie / school / class / a meeting

I shall be attending the meeting.

Please let me know if you are unable to attend the conference.

② attend to (on): to look after, care for, serve伺候, 照顾,看护

The queen had a good doctor attending on her.

Dr Smith attended her in hospital. 治疗

Are you being attended to?接待

Mother had to attend to her sick son.

③ attend to处理,注意倾听 attend to the matter

A nurse attends to his needs.

Can you attend to the matter immediately?

I may be late – I have got one or two things to attend to.

Excuse me, but I have an urgent matter to attend to.

[辨析]attend, join, join in与take part in

① attend指参加会议、上课、上学、听报告等

② join 指加入某组织、团体,成为其中一员

③ join in指加入某种活动;表示与某人一起做某事join sb. in sth.

④ take part in指参加正式的、有组织的活动,切在活动中起积极作用

Only 2 people attended the meeting.

He joined the Communist Youth League in 2007.

Will you join us in the game?

We often tale part in the after-class activities.

4. expose : to show sth. that is usually covered暴露

expose sth. to the light of day 把某事暴露于光天化日之下

I threatened to expose him ( to the police). 我威胁要(向警察)揭发他.

He exposed his skin to the sun.他把皮肤暴露在阳光下.

The old man was left exposed to wind and rain.

When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth.

5. cure vt. & n. to make someone who is ill well agian治疗,痊愈

When I left the hospital I was completely cured.

①cure sb of a disease

When you have a pain in your shoulders, you will go to see a doctor. The doctor will cure you.

The only way to cure backache is to rest.

He will cure the pain in your shoulders

When I left the hospital I was completely cured.

The illness cannot be cured easily.

Although the boy was beyond cure, his parents tried to cure him of bad habits.

②a cure for a disease

Aspirin is said to be a wonderful cure for the pain.

There is still no cure for the common cold.

Is there a certain cure for cancer yet?

③a cure for sth.: to remove a problem, or improve a bad situation解决问题,改善困境

The prices are going up every day, but there is no cure for rising prices.


① cure主要指痊愈,强调的是结果

② treat强调治疗过程,指通过药物、特别的食品或运动治疗病人或疾病,不强调结果。

They cured me of my influenza.

They treated me with a new drug.

6. control vt.& n.

① vt.: to have power over, rule, direct 控制,支配,管理

He cannot control his feelings / anger.

You are trying to control me as though I were your slave.

The government tries its best to control prices.

② be under the control of…; be in control of;

take/gain control of ; get / be out of control; lose control of; beyond control

George took /gained control of the business after his father died.

The car went out of control and crashed into the pole.

the head in control of the country

The driver lost control of his car and it knocked into a tree.

Mr. Brown is in control of the shop. / The shop is in the control of Mr. Brown.

This money is under control of Mr Brown.

Who’s in control of the project?

The fire has been brought under control.

7. suggest v. 建议;暗示;表明

① suggest+doing / sth. / that-clause

May suggested a picnic at the weekend.

What did you suggest to the headmaster?

I suggested leaving early for the airport.

She suggested that her father (should) give up smoking.


He suggested to us a visit to the Great Wall.

He suggested us visiting the Great Wall.

He suggested that we (should) visit the Great Wall.

② suggest (暗示,表明)+从句不用虚拟语气。

The smile on her face suggested that she agreed with me.

The look on his face suggested that he was happy.

His pale face suggested that he was seriously ill.

His work suggests that he is a careful man.

8. absorb

① to take sth. in especially gradually吸收

Plants absorb carbon dioxide.

In cold climates, houses need to have walls that will absorb heat.

Paper that absorbs ink is called blotting paper(吸墨纸).

The big company has gradually absorbed these small companies into its own organization.

② to understand facts or ideas completely and remember them

It’s hard to absorb so much information.

☆ be absorbed in = concentrate on专心于

He is absorbed in the research of Chinese history recently.

The writer was so absorbed in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar. I was so absorbed in a book that I didn’t hear you call.

☆ absorb one’s attention

Chinese history absorbs his attention recently.

9. suspect: to think that something is probably true or likely, especially something bad

① vt. 怀疑,猜疑 n. 嫌疑犯,有嫌疑的人 adj.可疑的,靠不住的

suspect sb. of doing sth. 怀疑某人做…

She suspected him of taking her money.

② 以为,猜想

We suspected that he had finished doing his homework.

10. severe a.

① so serious, so bad 严厉的,苛刻的,严格的

Come on! Don’t be so severe with the children.

His report contains severe criticism of the company’s actions.

His severe looks frightened me.

②very harmful or painful, serious or uncomfortable(疼痛)剧烈,的严重的,

I was caught in a severe storm last night and couldn’t go back home in time.

He has such a severe illness that he has been in hospital.

I suffered a severe attack of toothache.

He had a severe pain in the leg.

11. foresee: to know that sth. is going to happen before it actually happens vt. 预见,预料

The method was used in ways that couldn’t have been foreseen by its inventors.

Few analysts foresaw that oil rice would rise so steeply.

No one could have foreseen things would turn at this way.

It’s impossible to foresee how life will work out.

12. blame v. 责备;谴责;把……归咎于 n. 过失;责备

① blame sb. / sth. for sth.: to say or think that sb. or sth. is responsible for sth. bad


It’s not fair to blame me. It’s not my fault.

They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan.

Many children are afraid of being blamed for making mistakes in speaking English.

② blame sth. on sb. / sth. 把……归咎于: be responsible for sth. bad

The police blamed the traffic accident on jack’s careless driving.

③ (be) to blame应受责备(主动表被动);承担责任

The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident.

Which driver was to blame for the accident?

Either he or I am to blame.

Mr. Green stood up in defense of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one to blame.

Who is to blame for the fire?

④ take the blame承担责任to say that sth. is your fault

He is ready to take the blame for what had happened.

⑤ put the blame on怪在……身上

It’s no use blaming our defeat on him.

13. look into 调查,了解,研究,浏览,向…里看

We’ll look into the case as soon as possible.

But now the authority is looking into the cost of modifying all of its windows.

The building around the corner caught fire last night. The police are now looking into the matter.

look around; look after, look down upon; look for; look forward to; look like; look over浏览,过目一遍; look out; look through浏览,检查; look on; look up to;

14. handle vt. to deal with处理,买卖,操作 n. 把手,把柄

The children are so naughty that I can't handle them. 处理

This shop handles paper and stationery. 买卖

We don’t handle that sort of book. 买卖

How shall we handle the problem. 处理

Can you handle the situation at present? 处理

It has a free handle.活把手

He learnt how to handle the axe. 操作

15. link

① v. 连接,联系

The two towns are linked by a railway.

The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.

Television stations around the world are linked by satellites.

The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.

② n.

Researchers have detected a link between smoking and heart disease.

Is there a link between smoking and lung disease?

A lot of links fitted together form a chain.

link up (with)连接,结合;link…with /to把…与相连接

16. announce

① to make known publicly; to give information using a loudspeaker, esp. at an airport or railway station; to introduce a program on TV o


一、教学目标 提高本届高三英语的教学质量,与年级组团队一起努力,实现“821”预定目标。


目前我们高三年级共有20个班, 6个文科班,14个理科班,其中1,2, 4班为理科实验班,3班为文科实验班,五班为宏志班(理科),其余为普通班。主要问题表现在:学生的英语成绩参差不齐,不同班级之间有差距,相同班级内学生英语成绩也很悬殊;不少学生词汇量较小,语法基础薄弱,尤其是写作能力差,少数学生因英语拖腿而感觉升学无望并产生厌学情绪。根据学校要求并结合实际情况,我们把英语学科所承担的任务分解细化,以便更好的完成本届高三英语教学任务和整体提高高三英语教学质量。具体工作安排如下:








