高考在线 专业排名 专业介绍 大学介绍 大学排名 大学分数 全国高校 考试讲解 高考状元 高考志愿


更新时间:2023-08-05 04:50:42 来源:高考在线


Listen and choose(选出你所听到的单词,将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里

( )1,A play B plane C plant

( )2,A fine B five C fight

( )3,A day B date C Kate

( )4,A park B part C pork

( )5,A watch B wash C what

( )6,A cook B book C look

( )7,A boat B coat C goat

( )8,A swim B swing C sleep

( )9,A ride B right C like

( )10,A east Beat C easy

( )11,A far B farm C farmer

( )12,A cloud B cloudy C close

( )13,A artist B actress C actor

( )14,A ball B board C blackboard

( )15,A door B doll C dog

( )16,A stop B shop C store

( )17,A make B cake C may

( )18,A buy B bike C kite

( )19,A foot B food C fruit

( )20,A big B pig C dig

( )21,A train B tree C take

( ) 22,A work B walk C worker

( )23,A third B first C bird

( ) 24,A shirt B skirt C short

( )25,A read B ride C write

( )26,A tall B taller C mall

( )27,A old B older C gold

( )28,A young B younger C your

( )29,A big B bigger C dig

( )30, A kill B ill C you

( )31, A strong B stronger C strict

( )32, A heavy B heavier C hello

( )33, A people B purple C park

( )34, A watch B watches C watching

( )35, A wash B washing C washed

( )36, A plays B played C playing

( )37,A visit B visited C visits




〔 〕⒈ black come cinema chair

〔 〕⒉ moon who open woman

〔 〕⒊ art what garden apple

〔 〕⒋ us but you music

〔 〕⒌ milk five like in

〔 〕⒍ teach tea learn dress

〔 〕⒎ laugh uncle aunt house

〔 〕⒏ doctor paper work horse

〔 〕⒐ clean sleep behind help

〔 〕⒑ dance day rabbit art

〔 〕⒒ mother thirty kitchen this

〔 〕⒓ nurse snake nose those

〔 〕⒔ close who look phone


⑴〔 〕⒈close go 〔 〕⒌chair hair

〔 〕⒉room book 〔 〕⒍girl first

〔 〕⒊come dance 〔 〕⒎forget egg

〔 〕⒋father bathroom 〔 〕⒏woman man

⑵〔 〕⒈pot stove 〔 〕⒉matches blanket

〔 〕⒊ pillow show 〔 〕⒋telecope does

〔 〕⒌ tin site 〔 〕⒍their thing

〔 〕⒎look book 〔 〕⒏fine fridge

〔 〕⒐have hill 〔 〕⒑great bread





1. A. Okay B. Look out!

2.A. On December .12th B. Twice a week

3.A. Yes, I like. B. Pizza, please.

4. Yes, please. B. I‘m glad to hear that.

5. A. Sorry. B. You’re welcome.


I to the department store with Danny. We Christmas gifts. Then Danny saw .We to Santa. Danny said he wanted a new ! Santa laughed.