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更新时间:2023-08-06 15:39:59 来源:高考在线



一、 听音,圈出听到的单词。(10分)

1. play plane plate 2. wait want what

3. talk take tell 4. work walk wake

5. feel fall fail 6. angry hungry hurry

7. skate skirt shirt 8. watch water wash

9. stop shop drop 10.seed seat said

二 听短文,连线。(20分)

Wei Wei Yunnan

Liu Xi Ningbo

Li Ping Hangzhou

Zheng Jing Harbin

Wu Yifan Shanghai


一、根据要求写出所给单词的适当形式 (10分)

1 .three (序数 )_____________ 2. heavy(比较级)_____________

3. right ( 反义词) _____________ 4 .do ( 第三人称单数)_____________

5. early (比较级) _____________ 6.those (单数)_____________

7.have(过去式) _____________ 8. foot(复数)_____________

9. my(名词性物主代词) ___________ 10.read(过去式)_____________


( ) 1. I like drawing pictures and she____________.

A. like singing B. like to sing C. likes singing

( ) 2 . Wu Ming is a girl, she _________ long hair.

A. has B. was C. have

( ) 3. He is going ____________ artist.

A. to an B. to be an C. an

( ) 4. She is _________ than me?

A. strong B. strongger C. stronger

( ) 5. I went _________ a holiday.

A. to B. on C. with:

( )6.--I usually get up ______ seven o'clock in the morning.

A .at B. on C. of

( )7.-- ______ is the coat? --Thirty-five yuan, please.

A .How B. How much C. How old

( )8.-- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Garden Cinema?

-- Let me see. You can ______ bus No. 5.

A .by B. take C. go

( )9. --Are there any students in the classroom?

-- Yes, there are ______ students in the classroom.

A .any B. some C. a

( )10.--David is playing ______ basketball in the playground.

A .a B. the C. \

( )11.--It's time __________lunch.

A. to B.for C. have

(  )12.-_____ you watch TV last night?

-Yes, I watched TV.

A. Did B. Do C. Does

(  )13. John got a nice present yesterday, he looked ____________.

A. sad B. happy C. tired

(  )14.-What's the_________ you, Mike ? -I have a cold.

A. matter on B. match with C. matter with

( )15.Guangzhou is in _________ China.

A .east B. north C. south


1.--Do you swim faster than your brother?

-- No, I swim __________ (slow) than my brother.

2.I like _________ (make) model planes.

3.It is Sports Day, all the __________ (student) are very excited.

4.--What does Bob do on Sundays?

-- He often _________ (watch) the cartoons.

5. Mary's eyes are ___________(big ) than Lucy's.

6.You shouldn't ____________(put) your mobile phone beside the computer.



一、Listen and choose(听录音,选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里)(每小题1分,共10分)

1.( )A.taller B.tall C.doll

2.( )A.matter B.match C.metter

3.( )A.nose B.rose C.goes

4.( )A.read B.red C.fat

5.( )A.bored B.ball C.sore

6.( )A.has B.had C.have

7.( )A.154cm tall B.155cm tall C.153cm tall

8.( )A.How old are you? B.How are you? C.How tall are you?

9.( ) A.I am fine. B.I am fifteen. C.I am five.

10.( )A.He did homework.B.He did housework.C.She did homework.

二、Listen and judge 听录音,判断句子或图片的是否与录音内容相符,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打"√",不相符的打"×"(每小题1分,共10分)

1. 2 . 3.

( ) ( ) ( )

4. 5.

( ) ( )

6. ( ) I went swimming yesterday.

7. ( ) My sister is younger.

8. ( ) You look so angry.

9. ( ) Merry is 80cm tall.

10.( ) Jack's apple is smaller

三、Listen and answer(根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里)(10分)

( )1、A:He's riding a bike. B: He rowed a boat.

C:He is swimming.

( )2、A: He went fishing. B: He went to shanghai.

C. He's going to the library.

( )3、A: Yes, she does. B: No, she didn't.

C: No, she can't.

( )4、A: They went by bike. B:They feel well.

C: They go by bus.

( )5、A:Yes, she's going to go swimming.

B:Yes, she worked at night.

C:Yes, she failed the math test.


1. Is John __________ pictures ? No, he_________ pictures yesterday.

2. I'm very__________, I went ________ yesterday !

3. Sarah has a __________, so she __________ the doctor at 8:00 this morning.

4. My mother __________ some __________ for me last Sunday.

5. Liu Yun __________ her grandparents last __________.

五、Listen and judge (根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错)(10分)

( )1、 This is my home.

( )2、 Tom is my good friend.

( )3、 Tom is older and taller than me.

( )4、 Tom is stronger than me.

( )5、 Tom and I ofter play football together.




( )1.A.fall B.spring C.snow D.winter

( )2.A.cloud B.wind C.sun D.ice

( )3.A.thought B.taught C.bought D.think

( )4.A.my B.mine C.yours D.your

( )5.A.make B.take C.cake D.wake

( )6.A.week B.weak C.wake D.walk

( )7.A.flowers B.grass C.leaves D.clouds

( )8.A.catch B.teach C.throw D.learn

( )9.A.there B.their C.here D.where

( )10.A.put on B.take off C.learn D.think


( )1.A. B. C.

( )2.A. B. C.

( )3.A. B. C.

( )4.A. B. C.

( )5.A. B. C.


( )1.By plane ( )6.A docter,I think

( )2.OK ( )7.It's a TV.

( )3.It's eight-three. ( )8.The red one.

( )4.It's nice,but I like that green one. ( )9.Ten

( )5They're hers. ( )10.Yes,please.


一.1.ten 2.here 3.shoe 4.pear 5.hat

6.fourteen 7.fifty 8.look 9.mother 10.doctor

1---5 BCBAB 6---10 BBCAB

二.1.The child likes singing a lot.

2.I often go to Beijing by bus.

3.Tom would like a hamburage for his lunch.

4.I want to go to the shop to buy some fruit.

5.Wupeng likes playing basketball.

1---5 BAACA

三.1.What's sixty-one and twenty two?

2.Whose are they?

3.How can I get there?

4.Is it a fridge or a TV?

5.Which present is for me?

6.It's your turn now.

7.How about this pink blouse?

8.What is the woman over there?

9.How old is that girl?

10.Is it my turn to sing?

顺序:3 5 1 7 2 8 4 5 9 10