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更新时间:2023-08-04 19:40:47 来源:高考在线


on business 出差

be involved in 参与

appointment 预约

in charge of 负责

client 客户

compromise 妥协,让步

get along with... 与……相处

proposal 建议书

assistance 帮助,协助

branch 分支机构

cooperation 合作

transaction 交易

bid 投标

transfer 调动

attitude 态度

personality 品质,性格

overwork 加班

determined 有决心的

forgetful 健忘的

diligent 勤奋的

wear out 疲劳

perseverance 坚持不懈

complain 抱怨

hang on 坚持

workaholic 工作狂

workload 工作负担

struggle 奋斗

continuous exploration 不断的探索

hard-working 工作努力的



electric cooker 电饭锅

laundry 洗衣店

iron 熨斗

vacuum cleaner 真空吸尘器

housemaid 女佣

housekeeper 管家

cleaning and washing 洗洗刷刷

housewife 家庭主妇

keep an eye on 照顾

household expenses 家务开支

keep down the cost 降低开支

fix the dinner 摆一下饭桌

budget 预算

in a mess 杂乱

economical 经济的,节约的


circle 盘旋

wing: a.建筑物的附属楼 b.飞机的翅膀 c.鸡翅

terminal: a.终端(机房里面 Should I use this terminal?)

b. =final station公交站最后一站


domestic terminal国内候机大厅,international terminal国际候机大厅


Terminal (航站楼)? Check-in counter (换票柜台) Customs (海关)?

2. 机场人物?

Airhostess/stewardess (空姐) steward (空哥、空少) flight attendant (飞机乘务员)?