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更新时间:2023-08-18 13:51:31 来源:高考在线


Life in the year 3044 is very different 46 life in the 21st century. We still do many of the things you did, but we do them 47 . For example, we now have e-friends to help us and keep us company. An e-friend is a machine that looks just 48 a human being. It can walk and talk and can do almost 49 we human beings do. My e-friend is a lot like me and we have 50 fun together. She helps me 51 my homework and we often go swimming. She is programmed to take care of me if anything 52 , so I always feel safe when we are together. She can also send me messages, just like old-fashioned e-mail, and I can download information from her memory. It’s great 53 an e-friend – I am never lonely and I always have someone to talk 54 .

I would like to tell you more about life in the year 3044, but I have to send my e-friend to clean up my room. Maybe 55 I will be able to travel back in time and visit you.

46. A. of B. from C. in D. with

47. A. different B. difference C. differently D. differences

48. A. like B. for C. at D. up

49. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

50. A. many B. a number of C. a lot of D. the number of

51. A. with B. at C. on D. doing

52. A. will happen B. happens C. happened D. is going to happen

53. A. have B. having C. to have D. has

54. A. to B. about C. with D. Both A and C

55. A. one day B. in one day C. after one day D. with one day



1.“看”:look; see; watch; observe; notice; catch sight of; stare; glare; glance; glimpse; see a film; watch TV

2.“说”:telll sth to sb.=tell sb sth; talk with sb about sth; say sth; speak in English; whisper sth to sb; inform sb of sth; reason /talk/persuadesb into doing sth; bargain; chat; repeat; explain; warn; remind; discuss; debate; figure; declare; claim; mention; admit; deny; describe; announce; introduce; complain

3.“叫”:cry; call; shout; scream; moan; sigh; quarrel

4.“问”:ask; interview; express; question

5.“答”:answer; respond; reply

6.“听”:listen to; hear; pick up; overhear

7. “笑”:smile; laugh; burst into laughter; burst out laughing

8.“哭”:cry; shed tears; weep; sob; burst into tears /burst out crying

9.“吃/喝”:eat/drink; sip; have a meal; have supper; toast; taste; treat sb to; help oneself to

10. “穿”:put on; wear; have on; be dressed in; make up; get changed; be in red; take off ; remove

11.“行”:walk ; run ; climb; jump; skip; slip; come/go; enter; move; drive; ride; fly; crawl

12.“坐”:sit down; be seated; seat oneself; take a seat,stand; lean

13.“睡/休息”:lie /on one’s back/on one's side/ on one’s stomach; stay in bed; have a rest; take a nap; be asleep; bend; turn over; rest

14.“写”:dictate; write sth; describe; drop a line; draw; take down/write down

15.“拿/放”: take; bring; hold; carry; fetch; lif; put; lay; pull; push

16.“抓”:take hold of; seize; grasp; scratch

17.“打”:hit; beat; strike; blow; attack

18.“扔”:throw; drop; fall; wave; shake

19.“送”:send; deliver; give; offer; see off

20.“摸/抱”:ouch; fold; embrace; hug; hold; in one’s arms

21.“踢/碰”:kick; knock; tip

22.“找/查”:find; look for; find out; discover/explore; hunt for; search for;seek,seek for in search of; search sb; search sp. for sth; check; examine; test; inspect

23.“得”:get; obtain; acquire; gain; possess

24.“失”:lose; be lost /be missing/gone; great loss

25.“有”:have; own; conquer; occupy;possess

26.“无”:nothing left; the remaining thing; disappear; be missing /gone

27.“增/减”:rise / go up,drop; raise; bring down /reduce; increase/decrease

28.“买/卖”:buy; purchase; afford; pay; pay off ; pay for; sell; on sale; bargain; bill / cheque / cash/credit card/notes/coins; discounts

29.“存在/消失”:come into being; exist; appear; survive ; live; show; turn up; disappear; die; die out; pass away; be out of sight

30.“变化”:develop; improve ; become; grow; go+ bad /wrong/ sour;turn + colour; change /change into; reform

31.“成功/失败”:make it; succeed; make progress; come true; realize one’s dream; win; lose; fail to do; defeat; suffer loss; beat; turn sth. into reality

32.“努力”:try /manage; make efforts; attempt ; do one's best; do as much as one can to do

33.祝贺:congratulate sb. on sth.; celebrate; observe; get together

34.敬佩:admire; respect; show respect for/to; adore; envy ;be jealousy

35.赞美/批评:praise; think highly of; blame sb for sth; sb is to blame; criticize /scold sb. for sth.; have a low opinion of sb; speak ill of

36. 喜/恶:like; love; be fond of ; be keen on; be crazy about; adore; be into; prefer; enjoy; dislike hate; ignore

37.到达:arrive at; reach; return to; get to; stay in sp.; visit; leave; leave for

38.受伤:hurt ; injure; wound; cut; kill; drown; bleed; get burnt; suffer from; suffer a loss

39.损坏:damage; destroy; ruin; break down; crash; be broken

40.修复: repair; rebuild; restore; fix; recover oneself

41.“认识的过程” :feel; sense; guess; suppose; wonder; doubt; know /learn realize understand remember; be familiar with; recall; recite; apply to

42.认为;判断:think; believe; consider; find; feel; conclude; infer; doubt

43.想/考虑:think of…as...; think about; consider; think over

44.支持/反对:agree; disagree; accept; receive; refuse; turn down; be against; elect; vote for/ against

45.花费:sth/doing sth+cost; sb+spend+ (in) doing sth; sb+afford +n/to do sth ; It +takes/took some time/ money/energy to do sth; sb pay some money for sth.

46.省/存钱:save /save up; set aside; put away

47.参加:take part in; join /join in; attend; compete in/ for/against

48.控告:accuse sb. of; charge sb. with

49.救治/帮助: help /help out; save /rescue sb from sth.; treat; cure sb. of sth; aid sb in doing sth / to do sth; help sb with sth;assist sb in doing sth

50.逃避:run away; escape from; flee; hide

51.阻止/禁止:prevent / keep/ stop sb. from doing sth; forbid doing sth.; ban; prohibit

52.对付/处理:handle / do with / deal with /tackle /overcome sth ; solve; settle

53.效仿:copy; imitate; learn from; learn

54.爆发/发生:come about; happen to; take place; break out; burst out; go off; explode

55.安装/装备:fasten; fix; set; equip; be armed with; be equipped with

56.追求:pursuit; ran after; seek after; chase; catch up with; keep up with

57.建议:advise; suggest; recommend; propose; urge; demand; persuade

58. 打算:plan / intend / design to do; be going to do /be about to do /will do

59.似乎/好象:seem; appear; look like;as if /as though

60.开办/关闭:open; start; set up; close/close up; end; close down


1. a host of大量

2. a test for检测目的

3. a test on对……进行测试

4. a test with检测手段

5. above all最重要的;首先

6. according to根据

7. achieve equilibrium取得平衡

8. achieve one's purpose达到目的

9. achieve success获得成功

10. achieve victory获得胜利

11. act on遵照...行动;作用于

12. act out表演出来

13. add up to总计,合计

14. add...to...把…...加到…...

15. adhere to坚持,奉行

16. after all毕竟,终究

17. agree on对……取得一致意见

18. agree to同意,赞成

19. agree with sb.同意某人的话

20. along with和......一起

21. alternate (with)交替

22. amount to合计;共计

23. an equal to与…(地位)相同的人/物

24. and yet然而

25. anything but一点也不

26. anything like像……那样的东西

27. anywhere near接近于

28. apart form除……之外尚有

29. apply to向……申请;适用于

30. appreciation of对……的欣赏/赞赏

31. argue against反对

32. as a result of作为……的结果;由于

33. as a result结果;因此

34. as a whole作为一个整体,整个看来

35. as far as…就……而言

36. as for至于,关于

37. as if好像,仿佛

38. as soon as一......就......

39. as though好像,仿佛

40. as to至于,关于

41. as well也

42. as yet迄今,到目前为止

43. aside from除......之外

44. associate…with…把……和......联系起来

45. association with与……的交往/联合

46. at a disadvantage处于不利地位

47. at a loss不知所措

48. at a time每次,一次

49. at all丝毫,根本

50. at any moment随时

51. at first首先,最初

52. at large未被捕获的,自由行动的,详尽的

53. at last终于,最终

54. at least至少

55. at length最终,详细地

56. at most最多

57. at no time从不,决不

58. at one time曾经

59. at the cost of以……为代价

60. at the least至少,无论如何

61. at times有时,间或

62. at…speed以……的速度

63. attend on照顾,侍候

64. attribute…to...把……归于......

65. back up后退,支持

66. be based on基于

67. be able to能够

68. be about to正打算

69. be accustomed to习惯于

70. be associated with与……有关

71. be aware of意识到

72. be capable of有能力做......

73. be caught遇到,陷入

74. be committed to被交给,答应承担义务

75. be confined to限制在,局限于

76. be confined/be restricted受……限制

77. be dedicated to奉献,献给

78. be devoted to献身于/致力于......

79. be directed to指向,针对

80. be drawn to被......所吸引

81. be due to由于

82. be exposed to暴露在...下,接触...

83. be fond of喜爱

84. be full of充满

85. be habitual to(him)对(他来说)习以为常

86. be in order合适,恰当

87. be involved in参与,参加

88. be involved with涉及,与……有关连

89. be left to由...来决定,由...来想办法

90. be limited to限制在...,限定在...

91. be linked to/with与…连接/有联系

92. be proud of为...而骄傲

93. be referred to被提及

94. be related to与……有关

95. be sick of厌恶/讨厌...

96. be subject to经受,遭受

97. be suitable for适合于

98. be sure of对...肯定

99. be thrown in额外赠送

100. be tied by/with被…….

101. be tied to束缚于,.于

102. be tired of厌倦/厌烦...

103. behind time晚点

104. belief in对……的真实性或正确性具有的信心

105. believe…to be...相信……是......

106. better than好于……

107. beyondquestion毋庸置疑

108. break away脱离,逃跑

109. break down损坏,分解,瓦解

110. break into闯入

111. break in闯入,打断

112. break off断绝,结束

113. break out突发,爆发

114. break through突破

115. break up结束,打碎

116. bring about引起,带来