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更新时间:2023-08-10 06:06:01 来源:高考在线


一. 听力部分(40%)

1. Listen and judge(听录音,用“×”或“√”判断正误)10%

1) jyqr ( ) 2) akmt ( ) 3) BLRW ( ) 4) AQVF ( )

5) swim ( ) 6) winter ( ) 7) love ( ) 8) play ( )

9) bird ( ) 10) clock ( )

2. Listen and complete(听录音,完成单词) 10%

s ___ ng b___ ___t wh ___ t s ___ ___ p p ___ ___ k b ___sc___ ___t

wh ___ r ___ ___e___ly d__ g e ___ g n___s___ r ___ ad

3. Listen and judge(听录音,用“√”或“×”判断是否与图片内容一致)10%

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

4. Listen and tick(听录音,勾出听到的句子)5%

1) ( ) A. I live in China.

( ) B. I love China.

2) ( ) A. Mother likes to swim.

( ) B. Father likes to sleep.

3) ( ) A. She goes to Beijing by train.

( ) B. She goes to Beijing by plane.

4) ( ) A. Wash your hands, Sam.

( ) B. Wash your face, Sam.

5) ( ) A. Colour three kites brown.

( ) B. Colour three kites blue.

5. Listen and fill (听录音,选择并填入听到的词)5%

1. ________ (Open\Close) your mouth.

2. You are ________ (five\fine).

3. Say hello ________ (go\to) Alice.

4. They like to ________ (play\plane).

5. ________ (Funny\Happy) birthday, Sam.

二. 阅读部分:60%

1. Think and write(想一想,写出下列小写字母的邻居)10%

1) ___ b ___ 2) ___ q ___ 3) d ___ ___

4) s ___ ___ 5) ___ v___

2. Finish the words (完成下列单词) 15%

s___f___(沙发) r___b___ ___r(橡皮) s___ee___(糖果) j___mp(跳)

t___ble(桌子) cl___ ___n(干净) w___nd___w(窗户) ___p___n(开)

3. read and circle (读单词,圈出不同类的词) 10%

1)( )A. apple B. run C. orange 2)( )A. climb B. hen C. chick

3)( )A. write B.swim C. panda 4)( )A.bear B.tiger C.table

5)( )A.window B.door C.banana 6)( )A.lamp B.bed C.fly

7)( )A.horse B.sing C.sheep 8)( )A.tree B.run C.sleep

9)( )A.nose B.pencil C.hand 10)( )A.cat B.ferry C.taxi

4. read and match(把下列句子和图片配对)5%

1)Spotty can run. A.

2)I hear a sheep. B.

3)There are five birds in the sky. C.

4)I see a bear. D.

5)There is a lamp on the table. E.

5. Read and choose(选择填空)10%

1)( )Look _______ the window.

A. on B. at C. in

2)( )_______ do you live? I live in Ningbo.

A. Who B. What C. Where

3)( )There is _______ dog in the room.

A. am B. a C. an

4)( )May I have a _______?

A. pizza B. pizzas C. a pizza

5)( )I like _______ play.

A. to B. in C. on

6)( )Come and play _______ me.

A. for B. with C. and

7)( )There are some _______ on the farm.

A. sheep B. sheeps C. a sheep

8)( )_______light! Stop!

A. Green B. Yellow C. Red

9)( )I have _______ apple.

A.am B.a C.an

10)( )There _______ some books on the table.

A.are B. is C. am

6. Read and fill(选择并填入正确的单词。)5%

1)I see a ________(pencil\pencils).

2)There is an ________(egg\eggs) on the desk.

3)May I have three ________(cake\cakes).

4)There are some ________(girl\girls) in the classroom.

5)There is some _______(water\waters) in the bowl.

7. Look, choose and write(看图选词填空)5%

in on under

1) The cat is ________ the table.

2) The bed is ________ the ground.

3) The bag is ________ the bed.

4) The fish is ________ the water.

5) The table is ________ the room.



1、许多出租车司机 ___________________ 2、听音乐_______________________

3、一只猴子面具______________________ 4、在每周六_____________________

5、买一些东西________________________ 6、look young____________________

7、Helen and her parents_____________ 8、have a Music lesson____________

9、the clock on the wall _________________

10、play basketball with their friends________________________________


1、 你喜欢游泳吗?不, 我喜欢跳舞。


2、 你喜欢做一架飞机模型吗?是的,我喜欢。


3、 我喜欢桃子。我也是。


4、 他们喜欢在下课后玩游戏。


5、 你会弹钢琴吗?不, 但是我会演奏吉他。



1、___________ is the toy car? Its 100 yuan.

2、___________ do you like? I like skating.

3、___________ flowers are there in the vase? There are eighteen.

4、___________ can you do? I can make a puppet.

5、___________ is your new sweater? Its white.

6、___________ is on the wall? There are some pictures.

7、___________ are the cakes? They are in the fridge.

8、___________ book is this? Its Bettys.

9、___________ is the man in black? Hes my father.

10、__________ are you? Im eleven.


1、Li Lei and Lin Tao _________ ( be ) good friends.

2、Are there __________ ( some ) plates on the table?

3、This is ___________ ( Helen ) toy doll.

4、What do you like? I like ___________ ( tiger ).

5、I like ___________ ( play ) table tennis very much.



1.She is _________ young to understand the book.

2.His back was badly i_____________ in the war.

3.When he heard the news that his father was trapped in the ruins, he b__________ into tears.

4.The police made effort to r___________ the people who were trapped underground.

5.Tom’s car was completely d____________ in the accident.

6.J_________________ from his accent, we know he comes from the county.

7.Keep the children away from the _________________________(电)

8.Though badly _________________( 受惊的), she appeared outwardly calm.

9.She seemed to take pleasure in our _____________( 痛苦)

10.His death was a great _________________(震惊) to us.

11.Queer_________ the news seemed, it is true.

12.Little ________ I think he was a spy .

13.He is such a good person that we all think _____________ of him .

14.People now attempt to use solar energy to take the p____________ of electricity.

15.They are d__________ out the truth behind the news.


1.too 2. injured 3. burst 4. rescue 5. destroyed 6. Judging 7. electricity 8. shocked 9. pain

10.shock 11. as 12. did 13. highly 14. place 15. digging


1.立刻, 马上 _______________ 2. 爆发 __________________

3.结束 ___________________ 4. 一片废墟 ________________

5. 发现 掘出 ______________ 6. 许多, 大量 _______________

7. 凭 ….判断 ______________ 8. 为了纪念 ________________

9. 为….做准备 ______________ 10. 成千上万 _________________

11.分发 _______________ 12.轻视, 不重视 _______________

13.从某地拯救 ________________ 14. 口语比赛 _________________

15. 坚持 ___________________ 16. 阻止某人做某事 ______________

17.代替, 而不是________________ 18.为…而自豪 _________________

19.好像 ____________________ 20. 突然笑起来 ________________