1.Penny has a lot of money tied up in promiscuity futures.佩妮的钱基本都是靠滥交来的。
2.What sight is better than your little boy embarrassing a Nobel laureate?有什么景色能与你儿子让诺贝尔奖得主颜面扫地相媲美呢?
3.Are you trying to suggest that my emotional problems are no different than those of a stupid person?你是说我的情绪问题跟那些白痴没什么两样吗?
4.It’s not suspicious that I’m fixating – it’s consistent with my personality.我锲而不舍没什么奇怪的-我个性向来坚持不懈。
5.I tried to scare an Indian with a snake. Come on Cooper, you're better than this!我居然想用蛇来吓唬印度佬。加油啊,库珀,你就那么点能耐吗。
6.Well, if it’s any help, I’ve read all the great moral philosophers, including Dr. Seuss.如果需要帮忙的话,我读过各种伦理学家的著作,包括苏斯博士(美国著名作家及漫画家、以儿童书出名)的书哦。
7.Okay, so the topic at hand is sexual fidelity. Probably won’t be relying on Seuss here. Although One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish might be surprisingly applicable.这么说现在的主题是性忠贞。苏斯博士在这方面估计靠不住。不过《一条鱼,两条鱼,红色的鱼,蓝色的鱼》到可能惊人的适用。
8.I’ve prepared a number of topics that should appeal to the advanced and novice conversationalist.我准备了一些应该能同时吸引高阶谈天霸与低档聊天人的话题。
9.New topic: "Women, delightfully mysterious or bat crap crazy?"新话题:“女人们,讨人喜爱的谜女还是令人厌恶的八婆?”
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