Secretary-General’s Message for 100-day Countdown to International Day of Peace
Today we begin the 100-day countdown to the observance of the International Day of Peace, when the United Nations calls on all combatants around the world to lay down their arms and to give peace a real chance.今天,我们进入国际和平日倒计时100天。在国际和平日当天,联合国都会向世界各地的战斗人员发出呼吁,敦促他们放下武器,给和平一个真正的机会。
The International Day of Peace, marked on 21 September each year, offers an opportunity for the world to pause, reflect and consider how best to break the vicious cycle of violence that conflict creates.我们在每年的9月21日开展活动纪念国际和平日,使全世界都有机会放下手头的事务进行反省,并考虑如何才能打破冲突所造成的恶性暴力循环。
The theme for the Day this year is “Education for Peace”. The United Nations will examine the role education can play in fostering global citizenship. It is not enough to teach children how to read, write and count. Education has to cultivate mutual respect for others and the world in which we live, and help people forge more just, inclusive and peaceful societies.今年国际和平日的主题是“教育促进和平”。联合国将审查教育在加强全球公民意识方面发挥的作用。教育不仅是要让儿童学会读写和算术。教育还必须让人们学会在我们生活的.世界中与他人相互尊重,并帮助人们建立一个更加公正、包容与和平的社会。
This kind of education is a central focus of my Global Education First Initiative, which calls on governments to place education at the top of their agenda.这种教育正是我发出的“全球教育第一倡议”的核心所在,我在倡议中呼吁各国把教育作为政府的第一要务。
I call on everyone – whether governments, parties to conflicts, religious institutions, community leaders, the media, academics, or civil society groups – to play their part. We must support peace education programmes, protect students and teachers from conflict, help rebuild schools destroyed by war, and ensure all girls and boys have access to a quality education that includes learning about resolving and preventing conflicts.我呼吁各国政府、冲突方、宗教机构、社区领袖、媒体、学术界、民间社会团体及其他所有方面发挥各自的作用。我们必须支持和平教育方案,保护学生和教师不受冲突影响,帮助重建被战争破坏的学校,确保女童男童都有机会接受优质教育,并把学习解决和预防冲突作为这种教育的一部分。
Over the next 100 days, let us resolve to learn together how to create a universal culture of peace.让我们在未来的100天内共同学习,为创造一种普遍的和平文化而努力。
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