1. reach an impasse 遭遇窘境
2. childhood issues 童年的问题
3. be a natural at something 擅长做某事
4. roll the dice 滚筛子
5. be pedantic 迂腐的
6. look on the bright side 从积极的`一面看问题
7. chock on something 吃??噎到
8. have a little spat 口水战
9. take your mind off those things 不要再想这些问题了
10. back off 让开
11. be itching to do something 渴望做某事
12. have the guts to do 有勇气做某事
Raj will never have the guts to talk to hot girls. 拉杰什绝对没有勇气跟辣妹说话。
13. pick up on all her little hints 领会她的某些暗示
14. be a little peeved 耍脾气
15. build an empire with somebody from the ground 与某人一起白手起家
16. It’s a sign. 这是注定的/这是个预兆。
17. drift out ① 开小差 = half-listening = half-minded; ② [字面意思]汽车移滑
18. blend in 融入圈子
19. put yourself down = swallow your pride 摆平自己
20. I’m a little on edge. 我刚有点激动,不耐烦。
21. It baffles me. 这让我不解/我很不解。
22. miss speaking for the couple now 妻管严
23. obnoxious and insufferable 又讨厌又难以忍耐
24. expel somebody from the country 把某人从国家驱逐出去
25. be deported 被驱逐
26. on trial 在实验中;受审
27. lose my cool 哥不淡定了
28. run into a dead end 死路一条,走入死胡同
29. be adept at reading facial cues 擅长察言观色
30. conjugal visit 夫妻间的访问
31. I’m the third wheel. 我是电灯泡。(也可是:我是他们的助攻)
32. make the pact 约法三章
33. pull strings 套近乎
34. maternity leave 产假
35. buckle down 认真做事,紧扣
36. homunculus 雏形人[讽刺
37. future appears to be bleak 前途惨淡
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