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更新时间:2023-08-01 01:18:18 来源:高考在线



1. beside prep. 在旁边,在附近; 2. pardon interj. 请再说一遍,对不起3. rush v&n. 仓促,急促;4. suggest v. 建议,提议;5. staff n.管理人员,职工;6. central adj. 中心的,中央的; 7. mail v. 邮寄;发电子邮件;8. east adj. 东方的; 9. fascinating adj. 迷人的, 极有吸引力的10. convenient adj. 便利的,方便的11. polite adj. 有礼貌的;12. direct adj. 直接的13 request n&v. 要求,请求 14. correct adj. 正确的。15. course n. 课程,学科;


1. 询问信息 ask for information2. 向左/右转 turn left/right3. 买一双鞋 get a pair of shoes4. 去三楼 go to the third floor5. 路过书店 go past the bookstore6. 在银行与超市之间between the bank and the supermarket7. 路过 pass by8. 抓住我的手 hold my hand9. 听起来完美 sound perfect 10. 在去某地的路上on the way to sw11. 请再说一次 pardon me12. 沿着这条街向东走go east along this street 13. 一个吃饭的好地方a good place to eat14. 在…的拐角处on the corner of…15. 礼貌地请求帮助ask for help politely 16. 改变说话的方式change the way they talk17. 在不同的情景 in different situations18. 电子邮件地址 e-mail address19. 导入一个问题 lead in to a request20. 地下停车场 underground parking lot21 匆忙地 be in a rush22. 第一次遇见某人meet sb for the first time23. 更好地规划我的时间plan my time better


1.a pair of 一对,一双,一副 2.between A and B在a和b之间

3.on one’s / the way to 在去……的路上 4.pardon me 什么,请再说一遍

5.pass by 路过 经过 6.look forward to 盼望 期待

7.excuse me 打扰了 请原谅 8.get some magazines 得到一些杂志

9.get some information about 获取有关……的一些信息10.turn left\right 向左\向右 转

11.go past 经过 路过 12.a little earlier 早一点儿

13.a good place to eat 一个吃饭的好地方 14.in different situation 在不同的情况下

15.on time 准时 按时 16.get to 到达

17.have dinner 吃晚餐 18.on one’s / \the right在右边

19.come on 快点 请过来 20.the shopping center 购物中心

21.the corner of....... 的角落/拐角处 22.lead into 导入 引入


1. ---请问,你能告诉我怎样才能到书店吗?---当然,只需沿主街走只到你路过中心街。书店就在你右边,银行旁边。

---Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?

---Sure, just go along Main Street until you pass Center Street. The bookstore is on your right, beside the bank..

2. ---你知道书店今天什么时候关门吗?--它在下午7点关门。

---Do you know when the bookstore close today? ---It closes at 7:00 pm today.

3. ---请问,你知道我在哪才能买到一些邮票吗? ---当然,上二楼,在银行和超市之间有个书店。

---Excuse me, do you know where I can get some postcards?

---Sure. Go to the second floor. There’s a bookstore between the bank and the supermarket.

4. 请再说一次,你知道这附近是否有餐馆吗? Pardon me, do you know if there’s a restaurant around here?

5. ---你能告诉我这么哪有好吃的地方吗? ---当然可以,你喜欢什么样的食物?

---Can you tell me where there’s a good place to eat? ---Of course. What kind of food do you like?


5. pardon/excuse me/sorry的区别

1.excuse me:虽然可以译为“对不起”,但它实际上是一种礼貌的语言形式,主要表达讲话者对受话者的敬重。




1. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事

2. be afraid of 害怕

3. from time to time 时常;有时

4. turn red 变红

5. take up 开始做,从事,占据(时间、空间)

6. deal with 对付;应付

7. not…any more 不再

8. tons of attention 很多关注

9. worry about 担心

10. be careful 当心

11. hang out 闲逛

12. give up 放弃

13. thank about 考虑

14. a very small number of… 极少数的……

15. be alone 独处

16. give a speech 做演讲


1. ①问路常用的句子:

Do you know where is … ?

Can you tell me how can I get to …?

Could you tell me how to get to …?

②Can/Could/Will/Would you please tell me sth. 表示十分客气地询问事情

③Could you tell me how to get to the park? 请你告诉我怎么才能去邮局好吗?

上面句子中的how to get to the park是疑问词与动词不定式连用,用作宾语,但不是宾语从句(这一点要搞清楚,它不是宾语从句),相当于how I can get to the park(宾语从句)

2. 日常交际用语:

take the elevator / escalator to the … floor 乘电梯/自动扶梯到…楼

turn left / right == take a left / right 向左/ 右转

go straight 向前直走(straight这个词经常考)

3. next to 旁边、紧接着(常见短语)

4. between…and… 在…和…之间

5. Is that a good place to hang out?


上面句子中的to hang out修饰前面的名词place,是不定式作定语。

6. expensive 贵的 反义词:inexpensive 不贵的

7. crowded 拥挤的 反义词:uncrowded 不拥挤的

8. take a vacation == go on a vacation 去度假

9. dress up 打扮,dress up as 打扮成

He wanted to dress up as Father Christmas. 他想要打扮成圣诞老人。

10. on the beach 在海滩上,介词用 on

11. depend on 根据、依靠、依赖、取决于

12. prefer 动词,更喜欢、宁愿,


prefer sth. 更喜欢某事

prefer doing/to do 宁愿做某事

prefer sth to sth. 同…相比更喜欢…

prefer doing sth to doing sth 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

13. on the other hand 另一方面

(一方面:on one hand. 对于这样的短语大家完全可以放在作文中,这样可以使文章增色不少)

14. 把…借给某人:lend sb. sth. = lend sth to sb.(反义词:borrow..from..)

15. I'm sorry to do sth. 对做某事我觉得很抱歉、伤心。

16. in a way 在某种程度说

17. in order to do srh 为了…, 表目的。

18. 同级比较:as…as... as + 形容词/副词原级 + as , 表示“和…一样的…”


Ⅰ. 单项选择(15分)


( ) 1. - You look worried, Kate.

- I have to    a math test this afternoon. I'm kind of nervous.

A. take B. study C. pass D. fail

( ) 2. - Don't    too late, or you will feel tired in class tomorrow.

- I won't, Mom.

A. give up B. stay up

C. look up D. turn up

( ) 3. Andrew, please    my e-mail as soon as possible.

A. wr ite back B. write to

C. reply to D. answer to

( ) 4. Schools    allow students to do at least one hour's sports every day after school.

A. would B. might C. should D. could

( ) 5. The other day, the students in Class 5    on a trip to the countryside.

A. go B. went C. will go D. going

( ) 6. It's silly     you    your car at such a low price.

A. for; to sell B. of; to sell

C. for; sell D. of; sell


1-5 ABCCB 6 B