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更新时间:2023-08-03 13:51:41 来源:高考在线


Dear teachers and parents

hello everyone!

I'm Wang's mother in class two, grade four. First of all, I would like to thank the head teacher, Mr. Lou, for giving me such a good opportunity to discuss the problem of educating children with you. Thank you very much for your careful training. Every little bit of progress of children in school is permeated with the hard work of teachers. Here, on behalf of the parents here, please allow me to say to the hard-working teachers: Thank you, you have worked hard.

In fact, when it comes to family education experience, compared with other parents, I have not done enough. As the saying goes, "parents are the first teachers of children". Many good qualities and habits of children need to be properly guided and supervised by parents at home. I will briefly introduce my own practice

1、 Praise and encourage children more

Some people say, "good children are boastful." I very much agree with this view. As long as the child makes some progress, she should be praised in time to give her a sense of achievement. They are like a seedling. They should give them self-confidence. When they step back, they should try not to scold her face to face or compare her with other children. As long as they work hard, they can. Next time you can refuel, parents should always encourage and praise children, children will have excellent performance.

2、 Cultivate children's consciousness and form good habits

I always ask Wang --- to go home from school to do homework. Family members are not allowed to disturb when doing homework. Our parents ask our children to read more books and read good books, because learning is for themselves. So no matter what books she likes, she can buy them. If we want our children to love reading, we should first set an example and develop the habit of loving reading. When parents read, their children will follow suit and the habit will be formed Habit is not formed overnight, so we should persevere and accumulate it over time.

3、 Cultivate children's independence

In the past, I did everything in detail. As a result, I developed a child's psychological dependence. Now I let her do what she can. She already knows how to take care of herself and has strong independence.

Looking at the changes of children day by day, as a parent, I see them in my eyes and like them in my heart. I know that every progress she has made is inseparable from the earnest instruction of teachers, the selfless help of students and the hard work of parents. I believe that with our company and teachers' scientific guidance, children will grow up healthily, and she will be our pride.

Thank you


Dear parents and friends

Good morning, everyone!

We can have the opportunity to sit together today for a common goal, that is, for children's learning, for children's progress, for children's tomorrow. In the past days, we worked hard together, paid and gained. We experienced many joys, worries, busyness and feelings together.

Today is a happy day, because the arrival of friends makes our school shine, let teachers feel your concern for children and trust, understanding and support for the school, it is precisely because of your understanding and support, our work is booming, here, on behalf of the school, I sincerely say to all parents and friends: "thank you! Thank you for your support!

Dear parents and friends, you are children's first teacher and forever teacher. In terms of educating their children, I believe that every parent has his own unique views, which are worth learning from. Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. Now, let's share some successful experiences of parents.

First of all, let's welcome Li Qinyang's mother to speak with warm applause.

(parents speak)

After listening to Li Qinyang's mother's speech, we can't help but be moved by her efforts in educating children. She attaches great importance to the cultivation of children's good habits and interests. This will be a valuable asset for children.

For children's learning, they are eager to learn easily and happily. So how to let their children do it? Now, let's listen to Li Yin's parents' unique skills in this respect.

(parents speak)

People, in essence, want to be affirmed by others. Positive results are the driving force for children's learning and growth. The parents of Li Yin's classmate showed this point incisively and vividly.

Just now, the two parents mentioned the cultivation and guidance of children's habits. Indeed, good habits determine good grades, and good grades determine good life. Good habits, need parents to do people, need real love to pay. Now listen to the practice of Cao Shu's parents in class 76.

(parents speak)

We are eager for children's success. To love children is to think about their future and be responsible for their future. To create a good environment for children is the guarantee of their success. Now listen to Wang Chaojun's parents in class 79.

The speech just now tells us: family affection and harmonious relationship is a good environment, which is also the source of children's happy learning and happy life.

Children's growth is inseparable from their parents' earnest instruction, and also requires the cooperation of parents and schools. The parents of Zhao Yiming, class 71, have brought us joy. Let's welcome.

(parents speak)

Parents and friends, children are 100% of your family. As teachers, we hope to make our students develop morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and industriously! For our common wish, let's join hands to cultivate meticulously, watch and grow in the blooming season, listen to the sound of blooming together, enjoy the happiness of blooming together, and support a beautiful and bright sky for children's growth!

This is the end of today's activity. I hope you can come back with a full load! Thank you!


A: aunts and uncles, first of all, on behalf of all the teachers and students, please allow us to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this parents' meeting.

B: welcome to the campus to learn about our life in the school,

A: welcome to the campus and pay attention to our learning and growth with our teachers.

B: school is the cradle of our study, life and growth,

A: our growth is inseparable from the teacher's earnest instruction,

B: our growth is also inseparable from your meticulous care.

A: with the hard work of our teachers, we grow up with the popularity of books,

B: under the careful care of our parents, we grew up in the sunshine of love.

Together: with your common concern, today our "communication, understanding, cooperation" parents' meeting officially begins.

A: our progress is inseparable from the meticulous care of the head teacher and the teachers. Let's welcome our teachers to give a speech.

The first part: the head teacher's speech.

He: after listening to our teacher's speech, we deeply feel that being a teacher is really not easy. There are not only a lot of homework to be corrected, but also so many trivial things. All these are for us. Let's say to the teacher: Thank you, teacher!

The second part: parents' speech: - parents, - parents, etc.

A: I believe my uncles and aunts will benefit a lot after listening to the experience of your parents!

B: it turns out that learning habits are so important. As the saying goes, if you sow a good habit, you can reap a good life.

A: good study habits are conducive to stimulating our enthusiasm and initiative in learning. What good habits should we cultivate in mathematics? Let's welcome our math teacher to speak.

The third part: the teacher's speech.

B: there are so many details to pay attention to in mathematics! I really need to be careful!

A: the way of learning is inseparable from teachers, and the learning environment is inseparable from the management of our class monitor. Now let's welcome our class monitor to speak on the stage!

Section 4: student representatives speak: -, --.

A: a thousand words can't express the teacher's care for us. A thousand words can't express the parents' love. Today's parents' meeting has brought me a lot.

The fifth link: ask all students to stand up and read out the class training

A: our parents will remember every bit of our growth,

B: the teacher will remember every bit of our success.

He: today is the parents' meeting. Let's connect our hearts and hands! I hope this parents' forum can become a bridge between you and me, and we will soar along your expectations. This is the end of today's parents' meeting. Thank you for coming!


Dear parents and friends

Good morning, everyone!

Thank you very much for your time and support.

In order to let parents and friends know more about your children's study and life in school, better enhance home school communication and exchange, and promote children's all-round development, this morning, we held the autumn parents' meeting of "giving children the power to grow".

There are four items in this meeting. Please set your mobile phone to vibrate or mute before the meeting. Thank you for your cooperation.

The toilet is located in the South and north of the lecture hall, about 10 meters away from the venue.

Now, please allow me to introduce to all parents and friends present here the leaders of the school who participated in this meeting: the head of the school - the principal, the Party branch of the school, the beautiful vice principal, and me - the vice principal of the school.

In order to facilitate home school communication, the address book of the school's leading group is now put on the big screen. Please keep a record of your parents and friends. If you have any opinions and suggestions on the work of the school and teachers, you can contact us directly.

Let's start with the first item.

Let's welcome the director of the school's moral education department to introduce our school's practice and requirements in "emotional and intellectual moral education management" for parents and friends.

The second item of the meeting is for the school principal to speak.

-The headmaster is a well-known expert research-oriented headmaster in our city. He has rich experience in school running and management, and has unique understanding and opinions on education and teaching. Many parents and friends here must know and know him. Let's welcome him with warm applause.

The third item of the meeting is to ask the director of the school's teaching department to make a special report on reading "buckle the first button of life for children".

-The director is a representative of outstanding teachers in our school. She is a member of the - th and - th CPPCC municipal committee, an outstanding teacher of the national new education experiment, an outstanding teacher of the province, a good teacher of the city, a model of the city's teachers' morality, a teaching expert of the city, and a leader of the city's discipline. She gave lectures successively for the new education writing training class, the pre job training for the newly recruited teachers, and the professional development training for teachers in some cities, districts and schools.

She attaches great importance to the cultivation of students' daily reading habits. Nine students in class 4, grade 3 read more than 500 books, and the average reading of the whole class is more than 200. She led the students to recite the classics of traditional Chinese culture, and the students could recite nearly 300 classic poems. It was shown in the new education open week and the city poetry teaching recitation seminar, which was well received. This year, the classic recitation program --, participated by the whole class, won the first prize of the city. Now, let's welcome the director to give us a report.

At the fourth meeting, the school leaders were invited to issue letters of appointment to the newly elected members of the school family Committee.

They are: member of the school family Committee - grade class classmate's father --- grade class classmate's mother --- Secretary General of the school family Committee: - grade class classmate's mother --- deputy director of the school family Committee: - grade class classmate's father --- director of the school family Committee: - grade class classmate ' Give them the letter of appointment. Let's applaud!

Dear parents, this is the end of the first session. Thank you for your patience and warm applause.

Please go back to your children's class for the second part of the meeting, and communicate with the class teachers in a zero distance, so as to understand your children's school life. Please fill in your feedback form and put it into the suggestion box at the east gate of the school when you leave school. Thank you for your cooperation.

Please don't leave your mobile phone, keys, handbags, etc. goodbye.


Dear parents: Good afternoon! First of all, thank you very much for coming to our parents' meeting on such a chilly early winter afternoon. On behalf of the leaders and teachers of the school, please allow me to extend a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all parents -- welcome to Xinzhuang primary school parents' meeting. It can be said that you are here today to show your concern and support for children's learning, as well as your support and cooperation for school work.

Dear uncles and aunts

How do you do!

First of all, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to hold a parents' meeting!

I hope you can take this opportunity to learn about our learning and other aspects of growth in the past half semester, and hope to get your understanding, support and encouragement.

When we were just born in the matrix,

This life is devoted to the infinite affection of parents.

When life falls to the ground, the first cry comes out,

He calls for the sunshine and rain to nurture his growth.

People say: childhood is the best time in life

People also say: childhood is a period of time that adults pay most attention to

Indeed, in our childhood memories

It embodies the infinite expectations of teachers and parents

At this time is the harvest season, in our half semester academic performance presentation

After giving it to you, we also want to pick the fruit that reflects our ability for you!

(Cao Zhihao, Jiang Yonghui, Chen Xiaoxin report, performance)

Mom and Dad:

We know that our performance is very ordinary

But in your opinion, it's wonderful

Through your concentrated expression and smiling eyes

We feel the excitement in your heart.

Your appreciation is an inspiration and comfort to us.

Mom and Dad: we understand your concern

Know your dream of becoming a dragon and a Phoenix

But we are more eager for you to enter the garden of our hearts

Listen to our hearts, understand our inner timidity and sadness,

Talk with us about our yearning.

Dad: I hope to see your tolerant eyes when you get my grades

In this way, I will redouble my efforts next time and never let you down

Mom: I really want to hear your words of encouragement instead of words

Continue to nag: This is not good, that is not strong!

Our teacher said: examination is not the way to measure our ability

In our body, you have to look further and longer!

(next, let's have a talk with the math teacher. Next, let's have a talk with the foreign language teacher.)

Dear teachers, dear parents

Let's connect our hearts

Let's hold hands together

Let this parents' meeting be our bridge of communication

I hope we can be like Xiaomiao in your care and development

Nurturing healthy growth!