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更新时间:2023-08-01 13:53:16 来源:高考在线

  Studying habit is a very individual thing. Some people like to study alone, while others prefer to study in a group. Both ways of study have their own advantages. But personally I would rather study alone than study in a group.

  Firstly, studying alone can help one to digest knowledge that he or she has learned better. One can review the part that he or she did not understand during the class according to their own conditions. Secondly, studying alone will help one to concentrate his or her attention. While, studying in a group can, more or less, disperse ones attention. Thirdly, studying by oneself could cultivate students independent thinking ability. Through study alone, one has to tackle problems on his or her own which is an exercise for ones thinking ability.

  Through the above analysis, we could find many advantages of study alone. For example, it could help you absorb knowledge better, focus on your study and cultivate your independent thinking ability. Therefore, if you want to study more efficiently, study by yourself.